Dopamine Girl

Except that since it’s possible for a user to be running those games entirely legally on MAME (through a cartridge reader rather than a rom dump, or through a dump of their own, owned roms, if that’s legal in their country), you can’t argue that adding support for specific games is encouraging you to illegally play

His obsession with chili dogs is still a part of the character. It’s frequently referenced in the (surprisingly great) Sonic Boom cartoon.

Here in the UK, it was called “Mr. Geoffrey Butler’s Gentlemanly Adventures Amongst the Savage Colonials”.

You know, one hypothesis I find really interesting is that cetacean language, being from a species that uses sonar heavily, relies upon simply relaying sonar images of things/concepts to each other. You want to say “fish”, you literally transmit the image of a fish into the recipient’s mind. It’s an intriguing

Well, some cetaceans seem to have roughly the same intelligence as us (maybe less, maybe more) and we still don’t really understand cetacean communication. Their bodies and environment prevent them from making technology (although opportunistic tool use has been observed a fair few times), but they could easily have a

I do apologise if I’m being clearly dumb here but, what about Beta and what is “Beta” in this context?

That’s totally fair. I may be a little sensitive due to how many times I’ve seen the attitude I described, and how much I’m falling into a pit of terrifying confusion and despair and constantly asking for help without seeming to get anything substantial and effective.

I... actually had no idea he’d ever committed armed robbery and been sent to prison for it.

You really need to see a doctor if you’re peeing out Sega Genesises, sweetie.

You do, um... realise that one side doing something shitty is not in fact evidence that the other side didn’t also do something shitty, right? So basically, anything you say about the Clintons or the Democrats, true or not, is entirely irrelevant to the question of Trump’s guilt?

I’ve never seen any evidence to support the assertion that anything separates us from animals. We’re certainly a unique animal in some ways, then again, so’s that immortal Time Lord jellyfish that can regenerate, turritopsis dohrnii.

How does Genesis do what Nintendon’t?

“Retained” would imply they had it in the first place.

Bit harsh when we know nothing of this guy’s family. I know I’ve got family members I’d never want to be associated with.

To be fair, I’ve actually seen paranoid people of various political positions use the term “deep state”. It’s just that Trumpers have taken what was once a rather fringe theory and bigly popularised it.

Ugh, Israel’s a god damned minefield of a topic. A significant portion of people on both sides frequently fail to make the distinction between “Jews” and “the Israeli state”. Those Jews who are critical of Israeli policies probably get it the worst, on the one side they get blamed of internalised anti-semitism, and on

Hahahah, “should seek counseling”, if I wasn’t laughing at that I’d cry... here in the UK, conservative bastards have cut NHS funding so badly that me saying repeatedly and in many different ways that I need help and am continuing to deteriorate has resulted in virtually no action being taken. And over in America,

Soooo... Georgia, right? Georgia’s conspiring against Trump.

Hillary Clinton’s sordid email exchanges with underaged pizzas, of course.

Not a problem :)