Dopamine Girl

All you need to stop bad people with googly eyes, is good people with googly eyes. 

That makes good sense . Officially persuaded.

That is the Pro-Trump narrative: attempt to gaslight an entire nation.

The irony, of course, is that the only element within all of this that looks like a deep state is what Trump himself is building.

Why would one hurt when they pee?

I would be. I wouldn’t go the “white trash” route, personally, but bullshit absolutely pisses me off. It’s definitely possible to be baffled, miffed, and angry. The whole “if I’m wrong then why are you mad” thing is complete nonsense. I think racists and homophobes are wrong and they make me mad as hell. I don’t

comey was the director of the FBI - it’s entirely up to him whether his own material is classified or not. classifying material is a formal legal procedure. he did not reveal or betray any classified material in his testimony. he isn’t a traitor.

I guess if you honestly believe you’re subject to an unprecedented witch hunt you might see pardoning yourself as the ultimate FU to those who are illegitimately pursuing you.

It took a while with Nixon too.

First, shove your condescension up your ass.

If he couldn’t even win the DNC rigged primary, how was he going to win the Russian rigged election? Who do you think is better at rigging shit?

How is babby formed?

Meh, not really surprised.


Reminder that it’s possible to believe both that O.J. Simpson killed two people in 1994 and that the Nevada parole board did its job correctly today

He also thinks Akie Abe doesn’t speak English.

Dude, Harlem is a neighborhood where blacks are the majority followed by hispanics. A place where whites are a small minority should be represented that way on TV. Educate yourself.

Brilliant. My definition is very similar to yours, but you stated it a bit more eloquently.

It's too late, I've already seen everything.