Dopamine Girl

No weak Tory-Libdem coalitions?... Nah, Tim’s not that dumb I suppose. The Tory-DUP axis of evil is far more likely.

Oh dear God, I hadn’t even considered that possibility. Thanks, now I’m definitely having nightmares tonight.

Damn you, I came here to make that joke!

Theresa May didn’t miss what happened in the US. She observed it closely, licked her lips and cackled evilly, all while stirring a bubbling cauldron.

Thank fuck, the pretence was getting tiresome. “Hello, fellow normal human! Are you enjoying the abundance of solar radiation? Later I plan to gorge on human food until my human belly is full of chemical nutrients! Long live Earth!”

I was pretty sure that the investigation into the last London attack revealed there wasn’t even that kind of connection between the attacker and ISIS. Maybe you’re aware of something newer turning up in that case? But whatever the case, I think we can all agree, fuck ISIS. Anally, with a rusty cheesegrater. That’s

Actually, there’s been a good few times they claimed responsibility and then it was found there were absolutely no links between the attacker and ISIS. Like the previous London attack. They do it to make themselves seem more scary and powerful than they actually are.

How long before ISIS claim responsibility, regardless of whether they actually played any part in this or not?

[citation needed]

Now playing

May I throw this into the debate? Cody Johnston articulates what I’m thinking far better than I could when I’m incredibly sleep deprived, at least in the first part of this video. Also, the title of the video is not the best reflection of its contents. At least, it could very easily create a false impression of them.

For everyone who is ripping DVDs to put on their Plex server

Now playing

They really missed out by not making this the rush hour music:

I’d think the best approach might be a combined one, actually. Reprinting a scan could easily look terrible. To ensure high quality, you’d want to retrieve such a scan but then use it as reference material to redraw everything.

Well yes, exactly. I thought this was all a pissing match over nothing until I went and read the earlier article, which explained that... (god damn it Belgium, why can’t you have more well known stereotypical foods? You’ve ruined a perfectly good joke!) your King hadn’t been asked his permission for his appearance,

$1.25 million for 25 years wrongful imprisonment seems... at least on the low side of reasonable. Personally I’d like to tweak that law so that each additional year costs a little more... after all, I’d consider being wrongfully imprisoned for twenty five years to be substantially more harmful than twenty five times

“I am white and used to be a terrible racist. Thanks to Jesus and the Holy Spirit acting through the Presbyterian Church [as well as extensive melanin treatments], I have been cleansed of that.”

To be fair, you could’ve offered an alternative, better fitting word to Pichael.

I know, right? Guy wasn’t even brown! Not even a tan!

That’s an impressive argument you’re having with yourself there!