
This fight was barely even long enough to masturbate to. 4/10.


They seem about as Seeger as anyone can get.

The shot clock in the Lebron dunk is at 13

from: AD

This is also how they fired him.

Listen buddy not everyone who bets on UConn football is a “desperate” gambler. I’m just bored as fuck with poor social skills

Once again, I turn and look upon the New York Giants with the faintest sliver of hope...

2017: You thought 2016 was shit?

This sincerely may be the single dumbest fucking comment I have ever read. You are almost impressively stupid.

“a little more gas” is a euphemism common in sports. It’s a meaningless phrase.”

And we’re all questioning your understanding of the post, football, exercise, and commenting. So it’s working out for everybody!

Ok back to eSports with you. Or soccer, whatever you think you need to be on a higher horse then anyone else.

Giants ran about 90 offensive plays last night (this is excluding penalized plays). Go run 50 30+ yard dashes at your absolute fastest speed(and get tackled a good amount of times while doing it), and also get into a good 30 hard shoving fights with people. Do this in a 2 1/2 hour period.

Are you really that oblivious to sarcasm or are you just trolling?

I found security cam footage of ripgawkerlolz typing that comment...

Go out and sprint for 5 seconds. Then do it again. And again.

Eli threw the ball 63 times. That means Beckham probably ran at least 63 pass routes. Go do that. Tell me how you feel.

+1 When her daddy says she’s too young...

some of the scene, though none of the head-banging.