
This is huge for all those rookies who almost got forced to walk around wearing Minnesota Twins jerseys for 162 games.

I’ve seen some Dolphins do some shit too.

Oh sure single out the Vikings as rapists and bad role models, because I’m sure Patriots, Buccaneers, or Raiders never committed any atrocities!

Remember when football posts on this site were of things other than injuries?

Go on...

I’m sure he was thinking “Goddamn, it was so much easier when the teams I’ve worked for already had the best player in the league on the roster when I took the job.”

“The problem with Phil Jackson is that he holds the joint too long rather than passing it, leading to a inefficient and uneven baking in the drum circle.”

Where does the KISS Army fit into all of this?

what language is this

Am I the only one who sees Jay Bruce as an obvious fit for the O’s? The Mets are dying to get rid of him and would probably take next to nothing for him. He can smack 30-35 dongs and DH a bit. And at $13m for next year, the price is right.

All y’all are goofing on poor Rashaan as just one of the many great NCAA running backs who never made a dent in the NFL. I prefer to remember him another way:

Tune in to ESPN at 8 PM EST on Saturday to see who gets his room in the Nissan® Heisman House!

Don’t let those pearls touch the floor. Clutch them with all your might!

Besides this, there isn’t a single comment yet that belittles this guy’s death (by anything but the strictest definition). You came here, and were going to post this comment no matter what else was being posted. You saw that a person died, and

I almost forgot they blew a 3-1 lead in the finals. Do you remember that?

This year’s Warriors, if it’s even possible, look even better than last year’s team that won an NBA-record 73 games in the regular season and blew a 3-1 lead in the Finals.


I wish someone would just go ahead, haul off and beat his ass. I’m so sick of him doing this and then getting defended by bay-area bandwagoners and his mother. It’s ridiculous.

So you didn’t read the article then?