Silas Von Dookiebird

So let me get this straight (and as I type this, I just realized this is a pun), the same political party that thinks that businesses should be able to refuse service to gays is also the same political party that thinks they should be able to tell another business they can’t refuse service to people who haven’t had a

Absolutely. He’s a piece of shit for doing this.

Honestly this guy seems like a piece of shit.

I miss that look but I see why it’s not practical. Even a cheap off-brand wooden barrel is going to cost a hobo more than a set of clothes.

This explains why he’s been wearing nothing but a barrel with suspenders since Avatar came out.

Yeah, but they also thought David Hasselhoff was a good singer...

Duuuude... That is the car. Look at the rear primer or bondo marks.

Even has Skinny’s!


Funnily enough the screen used car was posted on Jalopnik last year for only $4500. looks like a 1966 Datsun 411

“...documents related to surveilling journalist Tucker Carlson”

just needs a bigger skimmer

*insert Jerry Falwell Jr. joke here*

Sir, this is a Wendy’s

I love how (at least from the posted video) that the fascist assholes had practiced how to retreat as a group. Now that’s what I call confidence in your beliefs...

Found the fascist.

Not sure what this has to do with cars, but it gives me an opportunity to tell my favorite Philly story. I worked there for 3 years in the mid-90's.

Huah, I was under the impression that when the guys up to no good started making trouble in the neighborhood all the moms got scared and just sent their kids to live their Auntie and Uncle in Bel-Air.

I know a bunch of folks are going to whine about this not having to do with cars. But as a born-and-raised Philadelphian and car enthusiast, MORE OF THIS PLEASE. Don’t fuck with Philly and don’t bring your white supremacist trash over here. 

And the Darwin award goes to ... white supremacists trucked in to Philly!