Why is it when guys have that accent it sounds sexy, but women just sound trashy and ridiculous?
Why is it when guys have that accent it sounds sexy, but women just sound trashy and ridiculous?
Lee Stafford Beach Blondes shampoo and conditioner from Ulta. Reasonably priced, smells good, and works. I should know, my hair is colored purple, LOL!
Also, manbaby, not manbabby. You’re welcome.
OMG, Mr. Glock’s name is Ricky. His actual given name. We call him Rick, though. Thank God he doesn’t have a scar on his knee...
The Routine De-Odor cream comes in a bunch of other scents, per their web site.
Nizoral AD works great and smells good too. Most of these scalp issues are caused by overproduction of normally occurring yeast on your scalp.
Nizoral AD works great and smells good too. Most of these scalp issues are caused by overproduction of normally…
He really is a delight.
My cousin was the Communications Officer on Air Force One under several Presidents. I live in a large college town in the midwest, and Bill Clinton came to speak. My family got to hang out with him and have lunch in the green room before his speech. He was very sweet and extremely funny.
A big house with all hardwood and tile floors, and a housekeeper to come and clean it every day. And it would have a big yard in the back with only certain types of grass and no weeds. For my bestest friend Otis Glock, who I’ve had since he was 9 weeks old, he turned 10 in January. He’s had horrible allergies to dust…
Mr Glock swore to hating turnips. We were out to dinner one night and I’d ordered a pork shank that came with mashed turnips. I knew he’d not paid attention to what I’d ordered, so I said, “Try these delicious horseradish mashed potatoes.” Mr Glock now likes turnips...
Shouldn’t it be corn or some weird thing they eat on pizza in Asian countries?
I can’t do winged eyeliner either. Regular eyeliner= fine. Winged eyeliner = a 5-year old drew on my eyes with a Sharpie marker. And finally after all those years of clomping around in super-high heels trying not to snap an ankle, I now have an excuse not to. Mr. Glock is an inch shorter than me, and I have no desire…
Noap to all of it.
Gah, I have a Gustbuster, and all of the little plastic tips around the edges of it that hold the fabric to the ribs fell off. I keep trying to glue them back on but they fall off again.
Gah, I have a Gustbuster, and all of the little plastic tips around the edges of it that hold the fabric to the ribs…
There is nothing that I do alone that I don't do when Mr. Glock is home. We've known each other since high school (we rode the same school bus) and we're both nuts with a capital N. The fields in which we sow our fucks are so, so barren. I tell him to do things just because he will. The other day he had chest pains…
Umm...I think her eating disorder is called "I had cancer."
Said that I had a degree in something that I totally did NOT in order to get a job, because I already worked for the company and I knew they wouldn't check. Had the job for five years before I found a job in my actual field and moved on. Not sorry.