This came out of a Virginia field office which basically means that FBI HQ didn’t even look at it. Anything that works it way up from field usually gets passed around until someone higher up decides to take credit for it.
This came out of a Virginia field office which basically means that FBI HQ didn’t even look at it. Anything that works it way up from field usually gets passed around until someone higher up decides to take credit for it.
A nation wide lockdown, massive testing program, with PPE and worker training, like was done in South Korea, could have avoided Jason Hargrove’s death.
I hate him more, for sure.
Is this some kind of joke? The cowards are speaking on background like we give a fuck. They realize this will backfire and increase her popularity, right? lol
“You’re in a box because you’re a Democrat and you’re thinking, ‘I want to help the party, but she’s going to hurt me, so I’m going to help President Trump,’”
I used to work in the Wall Street world because it’s the only place I could find a job. On my first day, I had to disclose all my recent political donations (required by law) and the only one I had was to Warren’s senate campaign. I was wondering if they would fire me on the spot.
I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction. (Clarence Darrow)
I don’t believe in God, but the thing that convinces me most that the majority of conservatives don’t actually believe in God either despite their many pandering protestations otherwise is... well... their actions in life.
Slightly off topic. My Step Grandfather on my mothers side was a total racist bigoted asshole. When he was dying in the hospital he was totally unaware of his surroundings constantly screaming “They’re killing me, they’re killing me”. My young mind could only think that his soul must already have arrived in hell and…
I like knowing that no matter how much money you have, the reaper will always collect his due.
If there’s a hell, may he spend eternity in the most horrific pit. If reincarnation holds to be true, may he come back as the particular species of tarantula used as a host to parasitic wasp larvae. Repeatedly.
Sometimes being an atheist sucks. It would be nice to imagine eternal suffering instead of the relative…
He probably didn’t, but I can hope he woke up somewhere screaming.
His grin during the ending of the final round was fantastic.
This was all made possible by evil fucking cheater Mitch McConnell.
“And we’ll have their favorite food, which I understand is called a Royale with Cheese.”
Yes, it is B-101. but when you get to Financial Analysis 403, or Risk Profiles 312 you learn that the negative impact on stakeholder value from this is close to zero; and the upside potential is huge. Until there are real consequences for these actions they will continue to make business sense. I’d bet nobody at…
Where is a book depository when you need one?