
Starring for the use of pusillanimous. 

A big piece about this story is about the twitter user UnSuckDCMetro whose account spread Miss Tynes’ tweet very wide and far

Just another reminder that we've always been in the "darkest timeline" long before the 2016 election... 

or Katrina or Maria or... the list goes on. As the creator has said, while there are reasons this particular story could have only happened in the Soviet system, the toxic features of that system are present everywhere and show up in massive failures around the world throughout human history. Naked self-interest, the

I keep thinking that Holzhauer, like Ben Richards in The Running Man, is doing too well, so they’re going to have bring the old champion out of retirement to try to beat him, and in this scenario Ken Jennings is Jesse “The Body” Ventura as Captain Freedom.

If I were an undergrad, I could write an entire 100 page thesis on this one topic.

+10 for “dick putty”

Refutation of point 1:

Precisely. Everyone is so wrapped up in the now that they forget wondering how W got into Yale as an underacheiving drug addict.

My troop leader was an herb growing witch who made every little girl feel like she could do anything in the world and more. During one of our meetings we found an injured dove and she said we should take it in and care for it and if it lived, how wonderful and if it died, then it would have died surrounded by warm

I’d be thinking the ACLU, LULAC, RAICES or the NAACP for starters.

Not a penny.

I would write a check for 5 million dollars and then cancel it as soon as it’s sent... in honor of the subject.

I am a firm believer in savings, good credit, and frugality. I am willing to empty every account I have a right to, max out the cards, and refinance my home for a front row seat to the walk out.

Just checked my monthly “crazy cash” account - necessary for doing movies, bowling, drinks with friends and other miscellaneous stress relieving activities. the balance is $3037.68 (rollover from previous months included.) I would send it all to the pay-per-view affiliate that charges to watch that Orangina-colored

Jesus effing Christ, people. Read the goddamn article and click on the links if you want to see the source material.

The Blue Klux Klan.

Sounds like the other inmates feared for their lives and defended themselves.