You’re not just sharing your private info, but the private info of any of your relatives, too.
You’re not just sharing your private info, but the private info of any of your relatives, too.
I see that the new season of Friday Resignations has started.
Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:
is that really the dilemma though ...? Most of us don’t get to choose between working and non-working. We choose between working job A, and working job B. If she stops playing soccer, I doubt the back-up is being a stay-at-home mom.
Bingo! And Sinema ran on health care. A vast amount of Kentuckians rely on Medicaid expansion. It worked. I think it has at least a chance of working in Kentucky.
Tough choice. On the one hand, Mitch McConnell has been easily the most reprehensible person in politics for the last 10 years. On the other hand, McGrath doesn’t line up 100% with my vision of what I think a liberal should be, so...
I’d be willing to bet that a decade ago when they all were in middle school, all the Splinter writers had Ron Paul stickers on their Trapper Keepers. Because for them it’s more important to be right against the ignorant masses than it is about actual policy. I find it cute that their political nihilism has a platform…
She's offering the exact moderate Democratic political profile Kyrsten Sinema just ran on in crimson red Arizona. And won.
Oh my god, you guys. THERE IS NO WHITE KNIGHT. I do not need the ghost of Howard Zinn or FDR or Jesus himself to come and unseat McConnell. It’s politics, for fuck’s sake. There’s like, 4 decent humans and the rest are swine. But some of them are swine who will keep you from dying during an abortion or your kid from…
Anyone who can take the Senate floor away from that evil turtle is good enough for me. I don’t care if she’s Manchin’s long lost twin and won’t hang with the democrats on key votes. For now, just unseat that asshole.
Seriously, even another conservative Republican would be better than Mitch McConnell. NIXON in his prime would be better than Mitch. She can say whatever she wants just so she gets a shot at taking that treasonous bastard down.
This is what a viable Democratic challenger looks like in Kentucky.
Sometimes the writers here come off as living in a bubble.
I don’t need her to be a leftist dream, I need her to be better than Mitch. It’s a pretty low bar. Campaigning in a way that talks to voters she needs to win over, conservatives who have probably voted red their whole lives (or voted southern democrat when that was still a thing) is smart.
Right? Nextdoor is great if your dog gets out, or you need a local repair-person referral, etc. but it’s mostly people starting a thread about airplanes being loud before it devolves into the worst, low-level batshit internet argument I’ve ever seen. Crazy, irrational things get said by somebody using their real name…
I can’t argue with Pelosi here. She gets it. Alienating the bulk of your party is not the recipe for change, cooperation or compromise. AOC’s moral outrage does nothing to help any children, but Mitch’s bill certainly will.
Headline: Twitter world gets mad for being called Twitter world. Responds via Twitter.
Just a friendly reminder, if by some miracle they get the question in there, you don’t have to answer it, your census will still be counted.