Can we hurry up with creating this dangerous AI (cylons) so they can wipe us out, already?
Can we hurry up with creating this dangerous AI (cylons) so they can wipe us out, already?
Raise your hand if you remember being in this exact situation at one point or another with an older guy, and didn’t know how to communicate your lack of interest because youre EIGHTEEN FUCKING YEARS OLD.
Guess what Moby, we believe her. As a former cute 18 year olds who was creeped on by 30+ year old men, we know it’s a thing dudes do. Log off and / or delete your account.
Did they just ‘mansplain’ post-assault emotions??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
By “male allies” I assume you mean the creeps who crawl out every time there is a discussion about porn on Jezebel?
The only way to get cis men to care about abortion is to vote them out of office. Period.
Roberts wasn’t the deciding vote in Obergerfell. He joined the dissenters. You’re confusing his vote on Obamacare. Kennedy was the deciding vote in Obergerfell. He’s since retired and was replaced by Kavanaugh. So yeah, it’s a good chance it falls.
I disagree. Wasn’t it Kagan who argued that Roe was wrongly decided because it should have fallen under the Equal Protection clause, not the right to privacy. I thought her argument was that, if the state does not interfere with the health care decisions for men, then they cannot interfere with the health care…
The same kind of liberty logic that protects a right to an abortion is the same liberty logic that protects the right to marry a person of the same sex.
any chance he’s lactose intolerant and not expected to survive this?
E-Verify is a free system provided by the Us Government. It’s not hard to use at all. The only reason it gave Trump any trouble is because he is either lying or he wanted to pay so little that no self respecting legally operating construction company would accept the job.
I used to teach before I got my current job and holy smokes there is nothing so petty as a pre-school teacher. I’m talking women in their 40s and 50s doing some teenaged mean girl shit.
Which is why it’s highly entertaining for a hermit like me. This is basically me at work
So if Tati was so appalled by Charles actions against straight dudes, why in the flying fuck did she wait? Awfully convenient that she suddenly found her moral compass and pearls to clutch at AFTER Charles posted a competitors vitamins....
I laugh and laugh at the fact that Tati Westbrook didn’t think a 19 year old wouldn’t have saved texts, dm’s, tweets and screenshots. I could ask my 16 year old for a text I sent her three years ago and within minutes she’d find it.
When you live next to the beach it’s just another thing.
Like I said, if they genuinely cared about babies, they wouldn’t stop caring about them the minute they’re born, they would support healthcare reform, making healthcare more accessible and affordable, lowering maternal mortality, improving public education, improving water quality, etc. But they don’t. Until they do,…
Don’t want an abortion because your God says it’s murder? Don’t have one.
I haven’t had an abortion, but as someone who was brainwashed into pro-life politics as a child, when I thought I was pregnant (despite not yet having had PIV sex, thanks for nothing health teachers) in college I started researching what kind of homeopathic remedies, from herbs to “throwing myself down stairs without…