
I agree, I’d need some actual solid policy proposals before the primary, which I’m still very much undecided on. I’m just saying that if learning Norwegian in his spare time is supposed to make me dislike the guy, that isn’t working.

These anecdotes are the only information we have about him. He’s running on charm and being quirky. This article is just poking fun at the profiles Pete is getting, as if idiosyncrasies make up for a lack of experience and policy. Because yes, the tidbits of information that the media is pulling out to make Pete seem

I’m not going to deny that this was a snarky piece, but the larger point is that Buttigieg’s actual policy positions have consistently taken a backseat to a more popular media narrative about him being a smart and nice man.

The idea that someone who describes themselves as “Staff writer, mint chocolate hater” going after someone for being “smart and quirky!” is mildly amusing.

He really is running for best boy.

I will happily vote for “Mayor Pete” but somebody has to tell him that all of this “Look! I play the violin!”, “Look! I can speak Klingon!”, “Look! I made a geiger counter out of a mushroom and some cheese!” wears a little thin.

Actually all these anecdotes make me like him, and up until now I was more or less indifferent. Maybe I’m also an asshole?

I’m guessing you’re... not a single parent? It IS hard. I only have one kid and it’s fucking hard and I work full time, so yeah, I’m busy. I don’t begrudge her the complaining. You can love the ever living shit out of your children and it’s STILL fucking hard. I appreciate hearing from others that it’s hard instead of

Perhaps if you tried for fruit higher up the tree your feelings wouldn’t be so hurt.

That’s exactly what she has to do.

this is totally random (especially from someone whose handle is 4runnerlover), but I used to work for the company that helped sell ads/content sponsorships for Dooce about 10 years ago. Heather and her (now) ex-husband ran the biz side of things as well and I will say from experience that they were very picky (in a

Excellent point!

Just like everything else. Not sure why people feel like they need to be mad about it.

Biden’s responses to all these things have been...not good at best. Every time I see one of his cringe worthy sorry-not-sorry statements I donate another $10 to Liz Warren.

As a practicing attorney, as cynical as I am, all I can think is...she’s probably smarter than most the people I went to law school with, and a super majority of practicing attorneys. I’ve posted before she’s been wildly successful with everything she has done so far so why would this be different? Plus the

Isn’t this what they are upset about.

Bring your misogyny and and general assholery somewhere else, please.

This is the way my grandfather became a lawyer over 100 years ago. After graduating cum laude from college, he went back to his home town in Missouri and apprenticed to a law firm of I think three lawyers, where he “read law” for three years. He then took and passed the Missouri bar exam “with distinction”. Only then

I don’t think he is yet.

FYI, she was not using social media to make money. That’s a recent thing, within the past five years. This is the early 2000s. She had a blog to make money. She was a blogger, sort of like the blogger you’re reading.