
It's kind of hilarious ten years later. That surgeon was amazing—he did all the aftercare himself, as I was in his office every other day at first getting my gauze changed (it started out as over nine feet packed in there). I always wanted to tell him if it didn't work with the wife to call me since he'd already seen

Zanthinegirl explained FSGS much more succinctly than I would have. What causes it is not understood; autoimmune is one theory; there are others.

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis is (probably- there is some disagreement on that) an autoimmune disease. Basically the glomeruli— the filtering parts of the kidneys— become filled with scar tissue and inflamation, and thus it gets much harder for them to actually filter. So you spill protein in your urine, which

Interesting! I was diagnosed with FSGS a year or two after college. Incidentally also youngish (at the time) white gal. And for what it's worth everyone I've know personally with FSGS has been under 40 and white.

Naw, I'm getting over a kidney infection, so I'm in the mood to whine! (and thanks for asking)

I had the biopsy because of the huge amounts of protein in my urine, along with some other symptoms. My diagnosis is Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), a disease usually associated with older Black men with high blood pressure ... at the time I was a young white chick with very low blood pressure (nothing has

My friend gives me the rolled eyes because I never let my dog off leash, even at the beach. But the beach is right next to a road and a parking lot. No. My little tiny-brained dog isn't responsible enough, and my heart isn't strong enough.

The collar in your pic looks a lot like the Harry Barker collar my first dog had. He passed away last year (I'd adopted him as a senior rescue, so knew I wouldn't have too much time), and I'm about halfway through getting the collar tattooed on my arm. :-)

I think it took about 3 months? The first few weeks were pure hell. It took about 3 or 4 years for the scar tissue on my toe to stretch enough for my toe to actually touch the ground. I personally think this was worse than my 2 spinal fusions.

"Twilight sedation" doesn't work on everyone. I have what is called the paradoxical reaction to the most commonly used twilight anesthesia, Versed. In most people, it makes them sleepy and relaxed,and unable to remember the events for about a 24 hour period. Me, it WAKES UP and keeps up. It's like speed.


This story made me ugly cry and then reach for my own puppy. While still ugly crying. I'm so glad that Quila's family got her back.

Oh, my god. Hugging and hugging and hugging my puppy. Suddenly I'm thrilled he's terrified of water.

Good people. (contented sigh)

Owner to dog: "You almost drowned, were stranded at sea, saved by brave, kind people and returned to live another day. Have your learned your lesson?"

Echoed. Don't mess with the ocean.
My Uncle was a firefighter and life guard for years near popular surfing areas.

It's not so easy for those of us who live on the coast, but yeah I also have a similar horror story - one of the fishermen who works for my dad actually after trying to rescue his dog, falling unconscious and cutting off the blood supply, leading to severe frostbite. It's easy to say never go in after the dog, but

I know someone who was swept away and drowned because he went in to save his dog, who was swept off a pier first. And actually, I'd probably do the stupid same for my lil guy. Just stay the F away when the weather is this bad. Walking a dog should not ever lead to this. Just bloody well go to the park instead, please.

Golden lab logic.

Aww. This is one of my greatest fears. My dog chased buoys all of the time (thinking they were bobbing toys, I guess), and would actually leap out of the boat to get them....