
They just look that way because Reid is incapable of hurrying

Exactly. I don’t give a shit how much good the Ministry of Culture did. My family escaped to the US on inner tubes. They lost “everything” and yet they were the fortunate ones. My uncle did hard time as a political prisoner and never got out. My grandparents thought they were on the way out and had their papers

The problem is, the oppressive things he did were really, really horrible. It’s frustrating as a Cuban/Puerto Rican/American living in Miami that a lot of people in the American left hold him up as a symbol of resistance to American imperialism ( a la Jill Stein) and turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the exiles and

He had 131 yards with Josh McCown throwing to him. In a Browns uniform. I dunno he seems ok?

lol@telling people who literally fled Cuba that they’re overreacting to his stupid “what about all the good things this guy did” BS. hahaha... “Listen, I’m sure the Soviet Union sucked, but all I’m saying is that this Stalin guy really knew how to design a subway system!”

At least the trains ran on time in facist Italy

At this point I have to admire how willing he is to make himself hated wherever he goes.

Dawkins is out the rest of the game with a hyperextended third leg.

Seems like a decent guy. Apologized and got out, didn’t want to monopolize her screen time. I’d follow his twitter. It isn’t like he grabbed her pussy and told her to lose weight.

That’s not how a Dawkins tackles.

Ahhhh, look at that Young Colt still barely able to use his legs.

...and kids, that was the last time anyone ever saw Davis. All they found was two smoking shoes.

There is zero chance Belichick goes into broadcasting. He’ll coach til he’s 80 and die in the film room.

Go to hell.

I generally disagree with Deadspin’s anti-dissent policy, but you need to be banned for this atrocious take.

I am a nullifier of this hypothesis. The Buttfumble encapsulates so much about Sanchez, the Jets, America, Two and Half Men is proof Jesus died in vain.

“Don’t bring fists to a car fight”

If Asthma was personified, it’d look like him.

This is trying way too hard. Bleach Boy is a terrible nickname, and I hope it sticks with him forever as penance for being an attention whore.