It will be fun when Trump awards a Medal of Freedom to David Duke, Curt Schilling and Scott Baio.
It will be fun when Trump awards a Medal of Freedom to David Duke, Curt Schilling and Scott Baio.
Everybody’d be wondering why Alfred Hitchcock was on their grill.
If it was me, and this country was as thoroughly fucked as it is, I would run for the Senate again.
That’s because it isn’t what was said. Jordan Sargent is tilting at windmills here. Jost made a joke about how hyper-sanctimonious the extremist end of the liberal left can be, and Sargent is doing everything he can to prove him right.
As I’ve said elsewhere, the main function of Twitter seems to be to allow people to quickly and easily make casual statements that can be completely ripped out of any larger context and used as a cudgel against them.
the 37different genders is not why dems lost. It’s this reaction in this exact post why the dems lost the election. It was a fucking joke.
that sounds about right.
“Jost is saying that liberals should deemphasize equal rights for all people because it alienates rednecks.”
I’d say the reaction to a joke that was kinda clever, kinda meh, very harmless is perhaps a reason why Democrats lost the election.
B+ joke
You wrote, “which would have been fine, we can laugh at ourselves.” OK, then I don’t understand, if this is the case, why was everyone flipping out over the joke BEFORE he commented on it on twitter?
it was a good joke
He’ll appoint Peter Thiel as Secretary of the Internet
Pretty scary stuff. Unions are an option, certainly, and I would never discourage anyone from joining a union.
CNN tries to turn themselves into a gormless ‘embrace debate’ cesspool where racist nutbaggery gets equal time with thoughtful, bland centrism and THIS is the thanks they get? There are unicellular organisms in the methane pools of Titan that have more political knowledge than Wolf Blitzer!
Let’s look at the case of CNN. Trump loathes CNN. Politico reports that he “singled out” CNN in yesterday’s meeting, and labeled them “the worst.”
But it wasn’t on an email server, so at least we know we are safe and secure, right?
and he missed the draft because he didn’t want to interfere with a fishing trip he was taking with his dad. I know this is corny and cliche, but he also seems to not forget what’s actually important; not shaking Goodell’s hand for any reason.
“I feel nothing.”