
I worked in an NFL front office for a spell (as a total lackey, this is not a humblebrag) and yes. When 90+% of your revenues are guaranteed for the year no matter what you do during said year, it’s not exactly a breeding ground for business excellence.

Chargers Blame it on Bosa, No Va in San Diego.

A medal rack, Katie? Bryce doesn’t even own A medal, let alone many medals that would necessitate an entire rack. What is Bryce gonna do with a medal rack?

Philly is a bit hand-wavy with that whole “legal” thing.

You... you own the city of Philadelphia? Knew it's not worth a lot but had no idea you purchased it.

Philadelphia’s collective attitude problem extends well beyond parking. Of the dozen times a year I’d find myself catching a connecting flight through Philadelphia in the early 2000's, about 50% of the time I’d have something stolen from a bag.

Go Fuck Yourself

The concourse was never a sports sub blog

Ted Nugent, still a fox. Well, not a real fox, or he’d hunt himself for sport.

And, you know, that’s reasonable. Everyone isn’t going to be a fan of Leslie Jones but jesus christ, what is wrong with people who think an invasion of privacy and terrorizing someone online is the appropriate response? What happened to saying hey not my thing, or here’s a critique of her work and then dropping it?

These are all these Breitbart assholes that are pissed because Milo was banned.

I am really getting sick and tired of this shit. Leslie Jones is a national treasure and one of the coolest ladies ever. I love her and no one deserves abuse like this (except the hackers).

Leave this fucking woman alone, you internet shitbags. WTF is wrong with these puerile hackers??

What the everloving fuck is wrong with some people? Sometimes I really lose faith in the human race and start thinking that a meteor really might be the best solution.

My brother in law's wife used to post pictures of all of her shopping trips where she got $100 worth of stuff for some absurdly low price, and she was really proud of it. I thought it was cool, until I started looking at what she was buying. It's like, frozen pizzas, dish soap, boxed meals, and paper products. Where's

Guess her coupon game just wasn’t raw enough.

“I have access to a car, but it would be poor judgement to drive that car when I could use public transportation!” Is essentially what you just said.

So what happens if you wear the ring with a pair of sweatpants? Do the conflicting maintenance-level-indicators create a rip in the time-space continuum, negating the need for steady employment?

Is it bad that I was expecting his reasoning to be that it meant no one in the office could hit on her? And that I’m only marginally relieved (but a great deal more offended) that it was “hur dur, the other women will be jealous and wrathful”?

When I was job hunting a bit less than a decade ago, the “common wisdom” among my fellow interviewee ladies was also that you shouldn’t wear an engagement (or wedding) ring—but back then the reasoning was not that potential employers would assume you were high maintenance. Rather, the rumored thinking was that an