
He’s Hanjo.

As the first person to post a reply complaining about Ashley Feinberg’s lack of adherence to sports topics ( A title I plan to wear proudly and expect to receive a laminated certificate soon to commemorate )

Ashley, I get the impression they have given The Concourse exclusively to you and this is the smartest move in the history of journalism.

I think it might be Ashley’s new home. And I for one welcome our new overlord.

Is the Concourse the new Gawker?

(n-1) = (5-11)

Hello. I request a recurring series containing all Feinberg story pitches that never see the light of day. I would chuckle most contentedly.

By rotating it, it gets away from the imperialist control of the event. If you picked 5 locations for both winter/summer games across the separate continents (like the 5 rings) it could be sold as a viable option.

Ashley I’m very glad you’re here

As a former Hoosier, I just want to say, “Fuck Mike Pence.” He is not worthy of your sympathy or pity. I want him fully aware of every horrible moment of the next ten weeks, so that the PTSD haunts him for life.

“Mikey did you get the cole slaw ? I love the cole slaw”

Yeah, but Mike Pence always looks like that. He’s got a face like a puckered anus (not a nice, relaxed one).

Jericho was trained by Stu Hart, I believe, a man not known for fucking around. If there was a fight between Jericho and Brock, I’d bet on Jericho.

Lance Storm once said despite his relatively small stature, Jericho is utterly fearless when it comes to backstage confrontations. Standing up to Goldberg and Lesnar would definitely qualify as such.

Chris Jericho is the coolest guy ever. Sure, he got worked by the finish, but he was legitimately concerned about the well being of another worker. He stood up to Brock, knowing that if an actual fight broke out, he would get eaten alive. That is what a locker room leader does.

Also, Jericho fought Goldberg backstage

I had a dad that was just like that. Weird, stubby arms. Always tucking in his undersized polo. Walked like he just got off a horse.

If only the mic could catch what he said to himself just before walking out to the mound-

That reminds me of my dad and how he’d drive his IROC-Z onto the court where I was playing youth basketball and skid that thing real close to me while I was trying to shoot a free throw. If I missed, he’d flick a cigarette at me, peel out, and I wouldn’t see him for months. If I made the shot he’d nod at me

If he was a good sports dad, they wouldn’t be in the consolation game.