
The destruction of liberty and the rule of law always begins with attacking easy targets. It is incumbent upon everyone who is not targeted to stop pretending anybody can be sacrificed for the greater good. Scapegoating destroys the fabric of civil society, and with it all the fucking safety anybody thinks they have.

1. Gritty isn’t a flavor.

He’s never had a collusion because he only hires the best drivers.

Thirty years from now, when Dylan “Frank Sinatra Fucked My Mom, Woody Allen Fucked My Sister” Farrow is up on charges of horrific abuse, I will be laughing my ass off.

That doesn’t make hearsay any more acceptable.

Trump will be either the fifth POTUS to die of “natural causes” while in office, the second to resign, or the first to be capitally punished.

It’s time to get rid of the Seaward.

Alan Douchewitz

Random doesn’t mean all potential targets were equally viable - anybody seen as a member of a disadvantaged subgroup could easily also be seen as more easily victimized.

And here is the “fuck you” that you clearly wanted.

I don’t understand. He’s a Republican, with all the bootstrappiness that implies, and yet he whines when someone uses their FREEDOM to not give away their support. Why does he expect some sort of socialist free pass from anybody?

“All day I’ve had to remind myself that Jesus died for these people too.”

Anybody who can cut power lines with their butthole deserves more press.

“As a mother who diligently taught her the ropes of what was okay to ingest and what was not..”

Hillary is why idiots vote for Trump, a NON-REPUBLICAN who hijacked the GOP? Bullshit.

Cruise had his zip open while promoting a movie called Fallout.

...supporting harmful policies or even placing the interests of another nation ahead of those of the United States are not acts of treason under the Constitution.

Astonishing but true my fuzzy ass. You are trying to gin up outrage over a standard procedure in liability claims. Also, why the fuck are these assholes suing the hotel? Because it has deep pockets and they want a payout.

You are a fucking idiot.

If you sleep with men and are ever the penetrating partner with anal sex, a smaller penis is actually preferred. The rectum isn’t capable of stretching in the same way a vagina is, so a smaller penis feels better than a larger one.