
Now for the great news: the size of your penis also has absolutely no effect on the amount of pleasure that you’re capable of feeling. Having a bigger penis doesn’t equate feeling more pleasure during sex.

I don’t think this is the time for flippant, apparently ignorant science blogging.

Let us not forget the Democrats in this - Johnson allegedly said signing the civil rights bill would cost them the south for a generation.

Beta? Please.

Many plants have a higher protein to calorie ratio than any meat.

Peter Noone is pushing 70 and is mainly known as a singer. Not sure what you’re wittering on about.

Fucking hell, this is not just an American problem.

Meanwhile, May, his actual counterpart on the world stage, had her government destabilized by Trump’s monarchical confidence in his own pronouncements.

There are also dispatches from the community saying that “Snoop” had a permit to carry his weapon...

1. An easily forged and previously unseen document was rejected by minimum-wage retail clerks who probably would have been fired if they had taken a fake.

It happened in 1968, and he was an asshole. But to be fair, seducing my mother was as easy as having a car and a credit card.

He changed his name from Jim Jar-Musch to get into Korean show biz.

I will never in my life understand

Funny how only white people see acknowledging the existence of gender, race, ability, and class as a form of division!

David Lynch is directing.

Absolute fucking bullshit. There are real problems out there. This is not one of them. Real men do all kinds of stuff, including watching Bravo. Anybody who reads homophobia into that is a fucking moron. And pretending you don’t get the joke/cultural reference does not give you a pass.

Any “both sides do the same thing” arguments died a few years ago and you know it.

First blood, not death. Duels were rarely to the death unless banjos were involved.

Yeah, that sounds like a really good meatloaf, and meatloaf can be great comfort food.

The shark was just curious if she was as tasteless as she seems.