Meaning you completely missed the point of the lumberjack sketch. Entirely.
Meaning you completely missed the point of the lumberjack sketch. Entirely.
Holy fucking hell, how did you jump to those brain-dead fuckheaded conclusions?
Nope. His record has actually been conservative - it’s just that the court has moved so far right that a center-right person like him LOOKS liberal. He doesn’t have a liberal track record, and he has voted with the conservative majority most of the time. He is a lot like Bill “DOMA” Clinton was for the gays and…
I put microwaved oatmeal (yes, I’m a heretic) in a non-stick pan over medium heat and cook it into an oat tortilla, then add quickly frambled* eggs and some salsa on top. Total cook time about twelve minutes, most of which is spent drinking caffeine and organizing the kitchen.
“Adequate.” Such a pizza is called “adequate”.
Not having a control sausage is a problem, and that is the oddest sentence I have ever typed.
We don’t need a CAT scan - one look will tell you it’s right there on his head, and it’s dead.
...faces up to 15 years in prison in Washington state for not reporting income ...
The employee, she was told, was placed on administrative leave. But Dobson wants to see her fired.
Did that letter say a single thing about the writer’s gender?
I kept saying no, and then he physically tried to shove my head down toward his crotch.
Except for ________________. Those people all look alike.
Why do people lose their shit when rich folks who GET PAID TO PRETEND TO BE WHAT THEY AREN’T get fucking paid to be what they aren’t? If his/her/their genitalia play no part in it, who is supposed to give a fuck?
Trump’s war on civility has been going on for a while. Are they planning something particularly rude on Wed? Gilding Liberty’s nipples, perhaps?
One caveat: a 4-4 split is not precedent, and it effectively upholds the lower court ruling, no matter which side liked it. So 4-4 is an automatic win for the lower court winner, but it does not resolve the constitutional issue at hand.
people that support this president and support this country
Non-assless chaps are pants.
Mandatory removal of YOUR child for 25 hours a WEEK!?
Not even close.