
Nor does calling them monsters make them monsters. You accuse them of monsterism because they took what they wanted from a candidate and ignored the rest - exactly what the other side does too, because that is in essence what most people do - but it clearly isn’t.

... and no one understands him but his proctologist...”

Right. So are you okay with ONLY being remembered for the worst thing you’ve done?

Idiot on line assumes the worst because it’s fun.

The disembodied hand in The Addams Family.

Yet another reason why copyrights should never be held by those who did not create the thing.

So if I accuse you of something, we get to do the same to you?

The Golden Bozo still does not seem to know that his name in every other English speaking country MEANS “fart”.

I live in San Francisco. The city was almost brought to a standstill. Market Street was a flood of people, signs, and kids. 90+% of the honking horns were in support. One stroller had a sign that read, “I’m only two and I know how to be nice and how to share”, and another with “I was a stranger and you accepted me”* -

It’s not the penis sock that’s the problem.

But all they want is a cuckless fence...

Trader Joe’s salsa is a staple in my house.

Massively, massively no. The heat generated is not even close to enough.

Then stop trying.

“Demon” was one of those “what on the tv I’m bored” things when I was a wee prat.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present our 2018 Cannabernet Sauvignon.

It’s the icing made with cream cheese and powdered salt that really makes it special.

Been doing that for years, but I never called them scrambled. Just ugly, messy eggs that are incredibly good.

There’s a terrible, terrible joke in that somewhere...

God has a brand new asshole.