There are those who would disagree with your childish, ignorant take on something you weren’t around to see.
There are those who would disagree with your childish, ignorant take on something you weren’t around to see.
Civil rights started out as a thing the majority didn’t approve of.
...and if Trumpie were actually convicted (not bloody likely, with a 2/3 majority needed) then Pence would immediately take his place, which would be worse. Get Pence out, and Trumpie gets to pick a new veep.
Tom Hanks, obviously...
I don’t think so. It struck me as pedestrian.
Neither was the phone or telegraph. Things change.
I don’t understand this stuff. My dishwasher cleans everything perfectly and puts it all away. All I have to do is remember to pay him.
Mine are even shorter because all my family is dead.
Rebootboot it. The last season was Dan’s attempt at dealing with Roseanne’s death by writing a story where she didn’t die, but every time he wrote it she ended up turning into a horrid asshole. The first new episode opens with Dan having dream in which Merrisu, the archangel of fanfiction, tells him it’s not his fault…
Why not just put Rowan Atkinson in a wig and have him replace Barr?
I don’t want to be one of those perverts who takes advantage of younger people via the wisdom that comes with experience or just the trickiness that comes with age
How do you think I manage to follow your Stoic stuff? I’ve got dozens of their books on audio. Marcus Aurelius frequently reads me to sleep.
Furries who can read aren’t committing. Not interested.
I have dreams just like those pictures...
Because calling a woman out for her looks is considered misogyny.
I don’t know what all the fuss is about - are feckful cunts better?
I expected better from her. I don’t agree with the current anti-seaward weltanshauung, but I do my best to respect it unless I just stubbed my toe or got caught in a zipper or I’m within earshot of Gavin Newsom. Because sometimes you just need to use powerful language.
Yeah, all during high school and college everybody assumed I was a massive Zappa fan, but his work has always left me cold. I am in awe of the talent that has passed through his band, but Zappa himself always seemed too adolescent to be serious, to self-consciously artsy to be fun, and too obnoxious to be clever…
I saw this, and it wasn’t about me at all.
I think that’s from the British sci-fi masterpiece Mister Blobby Goes to War...