
Eep. My only tie to my dad was the A&W mug he liberated for me about three months before I was born. Somehow I got it in the divorce and kept it for thirty years until some dick dropped a dumbell on it.

Dicks, cunts, pricks, pussies...

I enjoy passing judgement on people I do not know, situations of which I am ignorant, and facts that may or may not be true. I am at home in this thread.

What have you got against buttplugs?

Mister Rogers never existed. His neighborhood is not real.

I did not buy short furby. I will not buy long furby.

Because this place is pro-choice. And we all chose to change the channel.

Shame on you, Stephen Fry. Jewitude is passed on through the mother - they are a remarkably pragmatic people in many ways - so European Jewry would be able to parthenogenetically repopulate itself.

What do you care about disabled people? You’re a fucking robot.

Banbanbanbanbanbanban - fucking hell, people, there are other ways to make thing better. Just stop giving the damn straws to everybody - keep some around for those who request them, and let the rest of us not have to throw them straight into the trash because we don’t use them.

There were no cities full of civilians.

It’s a place where lots of people eat, and they can’t train them all for diversity and disability awareness. Nor can they screen for other children who will see some other kid get to eat with his feet, and some of them will have twatparents who will let it happen. Asking the parents to handle these things instead of

The secret is to dip them in rubber cement first.

You can get a no-juice orgasm with much less effort with Crazy Glue.

Calling her Huckette might imply to some a connection to Mark Twain. This should be avoided because of potential contamination of a beloved American icon.

Should the district court judge rule against Zzyym, Castillo says that Zzyym’s legal team will appeal to the 10th Circuit Court.

I really don’t understand this constant belittling of Trump’s capabilities.

It looks like a blow drier with speed holes...

Dull Fact: a barrel of oil gets you about 20 gallons of gasoline.

Cheaper medallions means less money for ALL medallion holders. This is not an answer.