
Draco felt the warm power of Harry’s wand as he whispered “ejaculatio!”

When will Amazon Prime be Chromecastable? Nothing else matters, Jeffy.

Dear Anne Brown,

Holy crap. I’m going to hate how much I am going to love this appalling masterpiece.

Did I miss the part where we talked about how Victoria’s marriage differed from ALL previous royal weddings because it was a queen marrying, and not a king? And the discussion of how various attitudes towards women at that time might have had something to do with this inordinate attention?

Clarkson did not get fired. His contract was up and the BBC decided not to renew it. No matter how many idiots try to say he was fired, he was not.

Not even close.

Westernization efforts made by the ruling class. Of China. Chinese people. You know, NOT Westerners.

Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t realize what an ass you are.

One thing Union Square is is a place in San Francisco since 1850.

When posing a rhetorical question, that kind of response is usually flushed down where it belongs.

(Incarcerated people are not allowed to touch each other.)

...the melanated masses...

Prediction: bitcoin carnivores will stink.

Just to satisfy my curiosity, I would love to hear about any theocratic movement that wasn’t led by people who were idiots, whores, or sadists.

I am Groot.

I have always assumed my thing wasn’t synesthesia, because letters don’t have colors. But sounds have shape and color. So do smells and tastes. I no longer talk to myself in the kitchen because of the odd looks I got when a dish was too pointy or needed more blue.

Most big carnivores die young, and have apocalyptically stinky poops.

she’s letting her ego come out to play because that’s one of the benefits of being in a position of power.