Most jokes are made by people who were students.
Most jokes are made by people who were students.
As a conservative old white cis male, may I say Yay! for you. Your life will be longer and better for it, and so will the lives of many others.
Naked Samberg would have saved it.
Pancho is a person.
Would you mind terribly going back in time about fifty years and giving a copy of this to my parents?
convicted child rapist
Responding poorly to a toxic environment is not inherently unhealthy.
I was with you until that last, childish, dick-move line.
California has to make some mistakes along the way, and this was definitely one of them. MAY cause cancer is a bullshit warning that nobody takes seriously.
PeTA has absolutely no credibility. I think they are a deep con by Big Animal or something. They are too goddam stupid in public to be anything but a false flag op.
New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand really needs to shut the fuck up.
Many multilingual people shift from one language to another almost unconsciously, so this policy is seriously wrongheaded. Firing someone for it is unconscionable. I do it without thinking all the time if I’m second-languaging - if I don’t have a word in Italian, for example, a more easily accessed German one pops up.…
Because vanilla plants come from the blood of decapitated deified princesses, for one thing. Also they are basically orchids that need hand-pollinating (if you don’t have any apis bracero around to do it naturally) and are just expensive to grow artificially. And because even at five bucks a gram idiots like me will…
Dear crippled pearl-clutchers and their allies,
Fuck you.
So he correctly referred to the principle racial identities codified long ago (irrespective of that code’s problems) and you want to shit on this evil moron for it?
Ovary acting is never the answer.
It’s chicken stock with rice or barley boiled to mushy nothingness, with much garlic and sometimes lemon. If I feel better, I’ll add some available vegetables or bits of dead bird.
Unless there is something smaller than a femtofuck, I can’t see what there is to feel for this child whore-puppet or her Grimmly vile parent(s)...