
It’s Marjoe Gortner all over again.

This is nothing new. My friends and I have been singing songs of praise about readily available bottoms since high school.

We are all Kenny.

“...who has admitted on record to repeatedly drugging women against their consent.”

Some combination of “thank you, this is useful advice” and “AAAUGH! Get out of my head!” is appropriate. A soon as I figure out the exact ratio I’ll get back to you.

Yay! One less R from CA!

And why are my unfuckable gay brothers not representing? Surely this is not a strictly heterocentric problem?

The Republicans didn’t win in 92.

In a sane world, there would be no screaming toddler/POTUS avoiding the WHCD in the first place. Also, as to “an early example of how willing a lot of people are to suborn their artistic tastes to their political/social drives”, allow yourself a pat on the back for being extra-super fucking clueless.

shutting the fuck up is always an option for him.

Because it’s brilliant.

Has Trump ever consorted with someone who wasn’t a complete tool?

That’s because bacon is preserved trash meat. It’s not supposed to be upmarket.

I’ve always laboured under the odd notion that it’s my goddam sushi and I’ll eat it as I please. I LIKE wasabi, and, since I can get the real thing, I use a lot of it.

Waiting until now indicates that Temple really wanted to trust Cosby over Constand, right up until the moment when it no longer had a choice.

I may just be paranoid, but it smells like Putin is putting pressure on Best Korea to make it look like unification just long enough for Trump to be able to take credit for it. Coincidentally at a time when there be much foment in South Korea’s chimerical business/government hybrid, making their government more open

Bullshit on your alleged liberalism, and a double on any attempts at wriggling out of it.

I absolutely guarantee that these things have a higher environmental cost to produce and deliver than all the sticks they will displace.

How fucking stupid are you? RK doesn’t fuck boys.

“Following the law” and “not being a fucking asshole” are two different things.