On Thursday, retired investigator Paul Holes, who had been involved in the case...
On Thursday, retired investigator Paul Holes, who had been involved in the case...
Like it or not, nobody else is responsible for your “comfort” at work, and the world does not revolve around the weakest, least able people around. Enabling bitchy wimps who only feel big when tearing others down does not make for a better workplace.
...looking to adopt a plan that would require all local middle schools to reserve a quarter of their seats for students who score below grade level on state English and math tests.
You do realize only assholes and their brainless followers oppose “innocent until proven guilty”, right? That it’s actually the fucking cornerstone of our system?
I look forward to the even-handed and respectful dialog that will fill this space.
If size matters, it’s a little over six inches.
If size matters, it’s a little over six inches.
French women guzzle Champagne while pregnant...
You are better than the wurst haters.
I don’t know for sure who’s to blame, but Cherry Ripe used to be the best candy bar ever, worth spending three bucks each for a dozen of them every time I was close to that Australia shop. Then Kraftbury took over and they turned a perfectly sensible confection - European cherries and southeast Asian coconut sweetened…
When will romaine be safe againe?
For fuck’s sake, you stupid shits, SCOTUS is not there to make your boo-boos go away, nor are they there to create new laws. They interpret law and precedent. Their bible is the Constitution. They follow the fucking rules. If 45's policies are not unconstitutional, SCOTUS has no business saying otherwise, regardless…
Ronan Farrow has his mother’s lack of attachment to reality.
The Free and Benevolent Order of Feral Dumpster Rats would like a word with you...
You don’t kill people for “closure”.
If you can’t spell it, don’t write it.
If you can’t spell it, don’t write it.
Amazing how despite the overwhelming majority of men implicated in the MeToo movement are white males...
As long as they include the names of every woman who died because she couldn’t get one, I could be okay with this.
He also used to shit himself several times a day. What is your point?
But people who want to be seen as decent human beings don’t pull this kind of shit in a memorial.
So the President IS a thirteen year old girl with serious anger issues and very little in the way of brains?