
He implied imply nothing of the sorted sort.

An embarrassment to carbon-based life, that thing is.

So you read advice columns you think are full of shit?

Never worked in food service?

Depends. If you use good loose tea it can be 30 seconds, depending on how strong you like it. Loose tea can be re-brewed several times that way.

It’s called Google, and it’s both cheap and easy.

Translation: “You threw them out before they bought anything. You’re fired.”

Why have I never seen a recipe using pork stock? Did some pork trade association trademark Pigstock for themselves?

As if any true negro would clamor for marijuana restrictions....

The Scumbag Anti-Defamation League would like a word with you...

...33 percent said that they find hot showers to be an effective way to relieve nausea.

What makes you think he didn’t? Wiki has a whole page dedicated to Obama death threats.


Really? Millions in unearned compensation is going into the pockets of a few execs instead of being profit for the investors, and you think the investors shouldn’t complain? All you need to “get it” is to read the thing. It’s pretty clear.

This is why rape is not a capital crime.

I wonder if the author of this bit of pointless fluff knows that this is standard operating procedure for any new executive...

save your sympathy for people deserving of it.

Left and right handed?

Left and right handed?

You act like “conservative” is a monolithic thing that has not changed ever.

I would love to see the percentage of respondents here who have opinions about this but have not read what he actually said. I’m guessing it’s close to 100...