No matter how much money they have, rugby players are not middle class.
No matter how much money they have, rugby players are not middle class.
You missed out on how eating walnuts can be a great way to lose weight if you’re allergic to them - a single walnut half will leave me puking for hours, making weight loss a snap!
Okay, I think that woman is an idiot, but... that charge sounds like it was tailor-made for unequal application. Her little rage stunt was stupid, it was attention-whorey, it served no apparent purpose beyond getting her and her titties in the news, maybe, but “We’re arresting you because pearls were clutched” seems a…
Kamala is a fame-whore who will do anything to get elected, including assuming support from groups she has no intention of helping out once she is in office and attacking allies when it is profitable for her to do so. She is a browner, girlier version of Gavin Newsom and just as useless in the long run.
She is an idiot, this isn’t helping, and protesting sexual misconduct by getting your tits out is just fucking stupid.
Asians can marry to throw people off the scent just like the rest of us.
...”the long wavelength rays that cause aging & skin cancer may penetrate the beard and cause long term skin issues under the beard.”
For some of us, it’s actually believing that a guilty verdict by a court is needed, and a rejection of mob mentality. Also a way to let others know that we prefer the rule of laws to the rule of feels.
DNA doesn’t change in 200 years.
If they were so damned important, why weren’t they in the original document? They aren’t, you know - the founders left everything in the bill of rights OUT of the Constitution. Must mean something...
... and tonight I’m going to see The Residents.
Grace Jones.
1. Any three songs on Astral Weeks
But the original was all about gender stereotypes. The boys were oafish cartoons. How can you remake it if you strip out 80% of the content?
What the hell is this? Every time any of the Trumps say anything else, you howl that it’s ALL LIES BECAUSE TRUMP, but as soon as one of them says “I have a penis” you assume it’s true? Clearly there is a penis-hating agenda at work here, and this androphobically-driven calumny must cease! They are a dickless clan,…
no woman has ever been prosecuted for undergoing abortion
So Diana Jones is out?
Was she in a Garfield suit?
I shall buy this book.