I agree. I rolled my eyes a bit about all the “oh it’s too bad”, what a tragedy, etc. over the whole shooting.
I agree. I rolled my eyes a bit about all the “oh it’s too bad”, what a tragedy, etc. over the whole shooting.
Well his own god doesn’t seem to care much. Trump never called his wife, Biden actually did.
I do not like that he is being called a hero. There’s conflicting reports of either shielding family, or he died instantly before anyone knew what to do.
It’s funny, because that’s one of the reasons these fuckers are so riled up: something happens that they didn’t learn in grade school (and which occurs in a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population), people say “Hey, this exists, just so you’re aware,” and it broke their fucking brains so…
Yes lets be united with the... *checks notes* president and vice president nominees who have called for violence against democrats, removal of Mexicans, and think trans people should not exist.
I like Jon, but this is par for the course with him. I think he’s a phenomenal critic of the media, but is much worse as a political pundit, especially when he tries to engage in good faith with his bad faith sparring partners from the right. It’s very cringe-worthy, and only gets moreso as the climate continues to…
Sorry but it’s not “hate speech” to wish a fascist was dead. It’s banal and Black is a douchebag for reacting like this.
The worst part is probably his terrible actions.
See, now this really does feel like the AV Club of yore. An article where the writer has clearly had to suffer, significantly, for many many hours, in order to put together a retrospective that’s so much more insightful than the relative crap it’s covering deserves that the contrast is staggering.
The dude you’re jawing with basically lost out on an opportunity to a creator of color in the past (in regional theatre, if memory serves), it broke his fucking brain, and now legitimately every problem in the country can be magically traced back to “DEI” and “social justice.”
“You can thank the progressive wing of the democratic party for this fubar situation.”
Hilary Clinton was also in the political spotlight for twenty years and was widely disliked as a candidate (though fairly liked in office, from my understanding), giving tons of ammunition to the GOP and Fox News. A late swap with Biden that puts Harris in the spotlight doesn’t give them as much time to drill their…
The solution is for Biden to withdraw from the race and endorse Kamala Harris as the DNC candidate so she can use the funds his campaign has already raised, and avoid a contested convention.
Yeah it’s a damn shame that we don’t have a duly elected, Constitutionally sanctioned office-holder whose entire job is to take over from the President in case of physical or mental incapacity. Like some sort of Assistant or "Vice" President. Quite the oversight if you ask me.
Lol, you clearly didn’t’ watch the clip and sound exactly like one of the people in Congress and the media that Stewart was making fun of.
Cool, you could have just said “I didn’t watch the clip.”
Thank you. It’s intensely frustrating to watch people spout the party line bullshit and try and convince (me? themselves?) that he’s anything but an old man who isn’t anywhere near sharp enough to do the job.
I’ve had people tell me: yeah, but it’s really the team that does all the work, the president doesn’t need to…
Biden was holed up in Camp David for a week (supposedly) prepping immediately prior to the debate. The “jetlagged” excuse is patently absurd. A stutter doesn’t induce you to say things like “we finally beat Medicare” or, when the other guy is talking, just kind of stare off into space with your mouth half open like…
You really think framing it as “guy can’t recover from jetlag in twelve days” is helping?