Just FYI, you’re replying to a known troll who weirdly impersonates a long-time AV Club commenter with the same name. You’re better off dismissing his post.
I certainly wouldn’t describe the Safdie brothers’ films as “fun,” but I think both Uncut Gems and Good Time are pretty fantastic, propulsive addiction films that don’t just wallow in the misery.
I know pretty much everything had to pivot to video or whatever to survive, but man, I wish Atop the 4th Wall was still in article form. Dude’s voice is just killing me in those videos.
Yeah, it’s similar to BuzzFeed in that regard. Buried behind the fashion stuff and listicles that pay the bills are genuinely impressive longform news reporting outlets.
“Nobody else was making that movie”
The people responding to this with variations of, “yeah, almost everything about the sequels was better...except the betters had a tighter plot” are, IMO, not remembering the prequels correctly at all.
Literally the only throughlines Lucas has in the prequels is, “Vader and the Emperor need to be there at the end.” He…
Dude, are you really trying to act like digging for a sticker like that on a site like Etsy or Redbubble is in any way comparable to the gigantic cottage industry that exists around “the South will rise again” shit that has existed for WAY too long?
It’s a ridiculous theory that is seemingly constructed to handwave away that Sanders did even worse than he did in 2016.
This is an absurdly bad take, even for you.
“I would think the most Venture Bros thing to do would be to relish in the failure of its model.”
Alright, THAT made me laugh. Nice.
To me, the thing that bugs me most is it’s the third (that I can think of off the top of my head) example of long running shows with very devoted fans getting the boot prior to the last…
Personally, I would have hoped that the top thread on this story would be mourning the loss, but also celebrating the life of a show long beloved and championed by this site and its users back in their respective heydays. Obstinately drilling down on its cancellation to the point that that’s what you’d rather talk…
I was suggesting you go ahead and watch it NOW since you don’t have to ponder these dreadful behind the scenes machinations anymore. You’ll hopefully have a blast catching up on a show you enjoyed!
I mean, maybe just watch it and probably enjoy it instead of whatever hell this is?
Good news! It’s actually easy to watch a TV show. I hope you enjoy it all over again!