Donkey Lips

They’re not the Browns so much as that they’re the Relative Browns of their division. Nobody can match or exceed the Browns, but the Bears are definitely the NFC North’s Browns now and forever. Any move that looks like a good move will be countered by at least half a dozen disasters.

It’s just a LOT to invest in something that ultimately is just a movie.

I get it; you love Star Wars. I love Star Wars. But there’s been Star Wars movies some people dislike before, and there will Star Wars movies down the line that people will dislike, too. It’s impossible to please everyone, so reacting to a movie

“The country currently has one of the highest homicide rates in the world, according to Human Rights Watch. A disputed presidential election last November has led to deadly street protests. The United Nations accused the Honduran government of using “excessive and lethal force” against protesters demonstrating against

Dude, you’re deciding the stand you want to take is, “cheerleaders dress like cheerleaders, so saying they shouldn’t complain about being expected to act as escorts isn’t a hot take.”

Really pause and think about that.

Also: how is this guy out of the greys and I’m not?!?

I get people not liking a movie; saying it “betrayed” you is, IMO, some goofy shit, my dude.

“That said, as much as I consider myself a Star Wars fan and felt betrayed by the film”

That’s a tad much. 

“An armed civilian population is threatening to an over reaching government, why else would those governments ban guns? Gorilla warfare can be extremely effective.”

Right, that a why totalitarian regime would want to seize civilians weapons. A totalitarian regime would also only be firmly in power in the first place

Again, the thought of private gun owners being able to fight back against a totalitarian government in any kind of meaningful way is just a fantasy. All of the examples you gave are examples of totalitarian governments who had the power they have due in no small part to having the military at their command and state

“I never said Indiana guns aren’t in Chicago. I said people from Chicago can’t just drive across state lines and legally buy a gun.”

Which is meaningless since Chicago and Illinois has been flooded by guns from neighboring states, including Indiana, so clearly that has minimal impact.

You expressly were arguing that Indiana guns aren’t deluging Chicago. And I already have explained a few ideas as to how I wish we could see America try to temper it’s gun obsession over the next few decades, and not once have I mentioned taking your gun or anyone else’s.

It’s become clear you don’t have interest to

I am more than a little perplexed as to the tangents you’re going off on here. For one, and most worrisome, you’ve retreated to simply flat out refusing to believe that Indiana guns have been flooding into Chicago. This isn’t simply a guess or a theory; it’s very easily bore out in the stats that these guns came from

Again, Chicago’s guns mostly come from Wisconsin and Indiana, which have VERY weak gun laws. I’m not sure why you seemingly think there’s some kind of massive gun smuggling pipeline or illegal manufacturing of guns in or around Chicago; how do you think so many guns end up there? And Indiana does not require an

Hang on, you’re throwing some strange caveats out there. “Gun violence committed with illegal firearms?” So, crimes or unlawful usage of LEGAL firearms can’t be counted?

And we can’t just ignore or “subtract” things like suicide by gun or unlawful actions involving guns or the threats of guns with something like this.

I’m not denying that DGUs happen; I’m saying it’s basically impossible to try and come up with an accurate number or estimate of how many crimes they “stopped” or deterred, whether they were actually needed, and that the nebulous nature of how or why they were used, or when they were used (you run into the area of the

I linked to the Wikipedia article because it lists multiple studies that run into the same problems the CDC data does; DGU is tough to gauge because it’s exceedingly difficult to determine if the gun usage was legal, justified or even needed in the first place (or what factor the gun or guns were themselves in even

You’re cherrypicking spitball stats; multiple studies have the numbers much lower:

Look at this gun-humper inexplicably trying to spin this issue off via what-aboutism onto suicide, a problem that is exacerbated exponentially by easy access to guns.


No kidding. He flat out went the “MUH FEELINGS!!1!11!!” trying to explain away dropping the n-bomb and trying to pull the, “the REAL intolerance is the intolerance of intolerance” garbage.

Now playing

“Have you met Haystacks Calhoun? He was a MOUNTAIN of a man! I sent him home to Mommy with a rollin’ DDT! How about Gorgeous George? Chief ‘Wahoo’ McDaniel? Leaping Lanny? Wildfire Tommy Rich? They all fell victim to my credit! Purple Nurple, Jerry Belly, ohhhhhh YEAAAAAH!”