Nary a single "BROTHER" in this whole thread! Say it ain't so, Hulkster!
Nary a single "BROTHER" in this whole thread! Say it ain't so, Hulkster!
Doink the Blog!
It really was like the Gawker bros, and their lawyers, were actively turning heel and trying to come off as villainous as possible.
Well, I agree with most of that, but until a real workaround is come up with that stops preventing people from watching certain shows or movies on a streaming service just because they live in another country, there's no way there's not going to be a ton of piracy for that reason alone. Digital streaming copyright…
Right; my comment was along the idea that they just barely missed some number that would have saved them, like they need x.6 number of viewers, but actually juuuuuust missed it with x.5 and NBC said too bad and gave them the boot. Seems more likely they were probably pretty far off from any kind of viewer numbers…
Well, they're mostly just common sense assumptions; look at a torrent site as being similar to a service like Netflix in how people decide to what to watch. I long lost count of the things I've watched on Netflix that I watched simply because they were on Netflix that I almost certainly would have never watched…
That picture with the article looks like a ghost Tommy Wiseau.
I seriously doubt NBC cancelled the show simply because it JUST missed a magic number in terms of the amount of viewers. The overall costs and ongoing viewer trends are going to have much more of an impact, and one of the reasons they're so terrible as a network is they're still hung up on the idea of people watching…
Yup. There's so many people out there who don't bother at all with official sites or subscriptions and streaming services and the like. All they do is head to the torrent sites and download what they've heard of what's been recommended. For people like that, Hannibal not being pirated would simply mean they never…
The 33% number assumes that anyone who pirated it would have watched the show through legit means if they couldn't have pirated it, which is always the biggest fallacy when it comes to talking about how piracy impacts, films, music, movies, games, etc.. A ton of people obtain something throughout piracy simply…
I always throw Everything Everything out there when people are listing the best live concert films; I think it might still be the best single distillation of how vital electronic music was and is. It just has so much damn energy and life to it, both in the music and the visuals. Great, great film.
Good catch; I didn't notice that on the first watch.
True; I guess I just assumed he would have been in high school.
Hah! Yup, every week of BCS has me wanting to watch BB all over again.
I never said it wasn't sexual assault; it clearly is, to both of them. But the idea that the Joker is doing it to get his rocks off just doesn't jive with the character. I mean, yeah, we see his wife was pregnant, but that just means in his previous life he had plain ol' normal sex with his wife; the Joker is…
Did they ever specify how old Krazy-8 was in BB? I thought he and Walt talking about the furniture store involved Walt buying furniture there for baby Walt Jr., and Krazy was working there as a teenager at the time, meaning he would be in his early 30's in BB. I believe BCB is set 5 years before BB, so I think that…
Right. It's been repeatedly shown that the character sees a twisted kind of "art" in the theatrically horrifying. Sure, him raping Barbara Gordon would be horrifying, but in a weird way it would seem completely out of character for him to "lower" himself to that level. He undressed her and took the photos so that…
Unclear; it would be a safe assumption given how Gus' first meeting with Don Eladio went, but then in their climatic confrontation, Eladio makes comments like he and Gus have actually been rivals on a somewhat more equal footing for some time (Eladio still technically the bigger boss, but clearly not a relationship…
Definitely. Even though we know Mike makes it until later (Tuco, too), that confrontation between them was unbelievably tense.