Donkey Lips

I think we can; the guy's a damn good writer, and was a fan of these comics for a long, long time. It's one thing to make the Joker's violence more "real" by having him shoot Barbara Gordon like that; we had seen the Joker kill plenty of people that that point, so it wasn't the shock of seeing him do that so much as


They're really doing a fantastic job of fitting everything together. When all is said done, this and BB could end up being a seamless, giant epic of amazing TV.

Moore has always seemed much more interested in Superman than Batman. His run on the otherwise pointless Liefeld character Supreme is lot of fun as a not-subtle-at-all Moore take on Golden Age Superman.

I mean, he and and anybody reading can basically say or infer whatever they want about what happens off panel. To me, it just seems so out of character for the Joker, either to do that himself or to let his lackeys do it.

Even as a hormone-raging pre-teen with the filthiest imagination possible when I first read that story, it never even occurred to me that the Joker did anything besides taking humiliating pictures of her. It's still horrific and deeply disturbing, but the character of the Joker, when written well, has never struck me

I've enjoyed it, especially the last few episodes, but it definitely feels like they were spinning their wheels the first 2-3 episodes. Once it became clear the focus was more on the Monarch and HIS "family," things really clicked, but they should have jumped in to that sooner. The Ventures are basically doing what

MiniDisc had a bizarrely long shelf life in parts of Asia. Much like Friendster.

Only the lamest of lame people would look at more fucking as something to be horrified by.

I used to be an avant-garde filmmaker but then I took an arrow to the beret!

I am SO sick of these Star Trek wars!


I don't think it's all that naive; they're playing it like she was someone he genuinely liked and cared for and it's still right after she was killed. The last thing he's going to be doing is thinking critically about how people are going to perceive his friend from a public relations standpoint. He still can't wrap

Early Dale is almost painful to watch; he's so…slow.

I'm a big fan of both! *Adjusts rear view mirror*

HANK: That was good strategy, bringing Joseph back. Stick with it and you could make a good coach someday.



A lot of us lived through the trial; I was just pointing out how odd it was that you seemingly thought he was destined for success because he was handsome. Everyone agrees it's a shame how Goldman was pushed to the side; even now, if his name comes up in regards to this whole mess the first thought is usually his

There's a lot of great looking people in the world who don't make it as anything. Goldman was definitely lost in the shuffle, but there's nothing insulting about pointing out he was "only" a waiter; almost all of us are "only" one thing or another at 25. It's just silly to act like he was robbed of massive success