Donkey Lips

Someone described it as "he's doing a great job playing a famous athlete on trial for killing two people who's not OJ Simpson," and I think was pretty spot on. His voice his too high, his build is too small and his head just isn't goddamn big enough.

I'm not sure what being "incredibly handsome" and having a career goal have to do with someone's financial worth, but OK?

That's what I'm saying; it's not like he could have just pulled up He would have had to dig up an almanac or an old paper to figure it out. Obviously it's not some crazy insurmountable task, but it cracked me up that he even put in that much work just to sell himself to OJ like that.

I like that Dershowitz straightened up at that, like he was oddly flattered. "He's talking about me!"

It's a weirdly impressive kind of racism where you're SO racist you're, like, "hey, turn that tape on, I want this racist shit RECORDED for racist posterity!"

Plus it's pre-being able to look up those game stats in 2 seconds, so he had to WORK to come up with that.

It seemed like they were setting it up like Rusty would at least be trying again when it came to the super-science. Inevitably, sure, he'd still fail, since, hey, it's TVB, but I guess I wasn't expecting to simply be "same ol' Rusty + money." Besides, I think the trio of White, Billy and Rusty trying to work

But the hair! And his last name is "SAMSON!" He's much more of an Old Testament force of nature.

He is, though I'm a bit disappointed that he's not even trying himself when it comes to the inventing. I thought we'd see a slightly more pro-active Rusty Venture this season (who would, of course, still inevitably fail), but so far he's still just the same ol' Rusty Venture.

Oh yeah, it still works, I just find myself wishing for the book version a bit since I'm such a fan. Really, the only things I'd change is the crying at the end (and I wouldn't even get rid of the crying; have a shot of him tearing up before his face hardens and he moves in with cold resolve to do this terrible thing

I love the film and how well he does in it, though it strays far enough from the books in that he becomes much more a lucky Mr. Ripley than "talented." He's repeatedly back into a corner and ends up lashing out and being wrapped up by his emotions as opposed to being consistently cold and calculating and playing at

He saved Clive Owen from having one of the most oddly depressing career plunges an actor has ever had.


Agreed. When you can't help but see the person front and center it makes it hard to avoid thinking about how shitty they are.


To me, there's a difference between, say, a director or author being a piece of shit or an actor or a singer. With a good director or author, I can separate them from the work simply because I don't have to see or hear them. Obviously they'll have unique stylistically choices, but the work is separate enough from


Man, that Daredevil loves chemicals so much he's a regular Walter White over here.

I had no idea Jonathan Richman went back to school in the 90's. Must have been that phat There's Something About Mary money! Good for him!