Me, I go by "Christian Mingle." How you doin'?
Another great. I always like to recommend Cross of Iron, too. Tends to get overlooked since it's not a western or notorious and later in his career, but it's a damn solid anti-war film. Basically Paths of Glory meets Das Boot, but with tanks!
This looks like an enjoyable show made by people who have made other works that I have enjoyed in the past! I look forward to seeing it!
"If this gonna be THAT kinda party I'ma stick my dick in the big pile of bricks on Danizg's lawn!"
I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out Trump supporters; the only common ground is some variation on "he says what's on his mind/ he isn't politically correct." Everything else they say about him they've seemingly made up and are just…assuming? Hoping? Somehow figuring that's what he'd be like as president.…
Oh, damn, nice call.
He's definitely putting in a good performance, but I just can't get over just how small he seems. Not just physically; his voice, his general presence…OJ was a commanding presence in pretty much all senses of the word. Gooding nails the emotions and likability, but it just feels off.
Yeah, I assumed it must have been what the guy actually said; it just highlights the difference between real conversations and "movie real" conversations.
I thought the most ridiculous line was Greenwood's, "this is worse than the day I was diagnosed with cancer!"
I will fully cop to knowing little about Johnny Cochran outside of the OJ trial and things like South Park making fun of him, but this is making me want to find out a lot more.
Hahahaha! That lept out at me, too. Usually I completely miss things like that, but for whatever reason those stupid Greek yogurts might as well have been lit up with a neon sign saying "NOT 1994!!!"
I completely agree; he's putting in a damn good performance, but he might as well be playing somebody completely different than OJ. He just doesn't have the presence or voice that OJ did.
Yeah, like it or not, OJ and Nicole were pretty intertwined with the Kardashians. Plus I look at things like showing the kids as being a parallel to OJ's absurd goodbye list later in the episode; all he can think of on the verge of killing himself is his famous friends and co-workers. This was just a weird, weird…
Yeah, same here. I remember it suddenly getting very real when he was pulling up to his house and very clearly knowing that he had a gun.
Yeah, I mentioned the video game stuff in post somewhere else in this comment section, and I couldn't agree more. There's more uncomfortable overlap with the virulent, angry "video games should all be seen as art/video game journalism is sacred!" than I've wanted to admit.
I wasn't thinking that before but now it's ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT.
It's the inherent problem with nonsense movements like "integrity in video game journalism;" ultimately the complaints mostly just dance around the idea of, "this reviewer doesn't like the thing I like or want them to like, therefore I don't like them."
*Pushes up glasses* Actually, "Manos" is the mysterious entity that is worshiped by the cult in the film. The Frank Zappa-looking mofo Torgo works for is "the Master." I really hope you were fired for this blunder.