BobKraft Goldthwaite

All of this is true, and he still might be the second best pitcher in the NL this year. What a crazy season.

He looks so full of life, and pcp

He got better

They don’t try to hurt people?! They blew up Vince McMahon’s limo and killed him!

I will not sit here and let you accuse Flacco of trying to get Jackson killed. Clearly, anyone who has watched Flacco play over his career can watch the video and know he was targeting the tight end Nick Boyle (#86) on that throw.

What are they going to do when it snows?

Waiter: Would you like some pepper, Mr. West?

I used to enjoy the “jacked up” highlight segment on MNF, not because I liked the Berman-esque phrase as much as I enjoyed laughing at players stumble off the field.

i am suprised that all family members survived though

A cranky old-timer complaining about the modern game? What are the odds?

Pretty sure that would have decapitated Neymar.

Michigan J. Frog criminally underrated. 

DeGrom has a 1.68 ERA on a team that regularly starts Jose Bautista in the field.

He’s impressed by the fact that it seems profitable and has some neat electronics. He also thinks it has shitty ‘90s Kia build quality. He’s not “eating crow” about the quality, he’s just saying they managed to make it profitable. It’s still poorly made.

are you new here 

I think it’s harsh to call Germany frauds, historically they’ve struggled in Russia.

This is the worst take.

Supposedly in the ‘50s Lufthansa ran ads in British newspapers with the tag line, “Fly Lufthansa to London—We Know the Way”. Maybe a British ad man came up with that, though.

At least its an ethos.