Loved this. I’m an American living in Garmisch and I wish this were a bigger deal.
Loved this. I’m an American living in Garmisch and I wish this were a bigger deal.
I’m wearing my pajama pants with the little dogs on them right now! In the fall through spring, it gets really cold in our bedroom, which is how we like it. I find that if I don’t wear enough clothes when it’s really cold, I’ll stay under the covers all night instead of occasionally sticking a limb or two out, and…
No, OBP denominator is AB+walks+HBP+Sac Flies. Still not quite “every time he comes to the plate,” but a lot closer than just ABs.
A less ambiguous way to phrase the more popular interpretation is, “The Braves have ten more wins than losses.”
A fine catch. Almost as great as Otis Nixon’s grab for the Braves two stadiums ago.
Two or more! It’s called a “rebus” and it makes me want to throw my phone out a window every single time.
“, but until that happens” sentence ends
Shit like this is why my wife and I are considering starting our family while we’re still living in Germany, even though our parents and the rest of our families (read: support network and babysitters) live in the US. A bunch of my colleagues had kids during our first year here, and they all said the most expensive…
I’m gonna put in a plug for an iOS-only app featured on the App Store today: Elk. It’s an at-a-glance currency “converter” that lists round numbers of your unfamiliar currency (in the example, Japanese Yen) in terms of your familiar currency (in the example, US Dollars). 2-week free trial, after that $4 to unlock…
This story doesn’t actually mention the QB’s first name? Except in the “Filed To,” I guess, but that’s hardly obvious. (It’s Lamar.)
Now that’s what I call…
Well done.
Not enough stars in the world to give you.
“A fury”?
Wait… What does “removing an owner from the league” actually mean? Would that mean the Cowboys are no longer in the NFL?
Atlanta-born/raised Braves fan here. I’m too young to remember watching this game—I was only 5 and thus almost definitely asleep by the time it ended—but a few years ago I saw it one was one of MLB Network’s Greatest Games selections. I can’t find the video anywhere, but some recap can be found here. I wanted to…
The highlight truthering is coming from INSIDE THE ARTICLE