BobKraft Goldthwaite

I ran this scenario through my head and I would have an extra problem: Featherbed (or something similar sans feathers). How would one deal with that?

I love that both Fox and CBS (in my viewing area, at least) have switched away from their initial games to show more competitive matchups.

The night they aired the Opening Ceremonies of the London Olympics, I was watching with some guys at my friend's apartment. We consumed much bourbon, and finished off a bag of jerky I had brought. Afterwards, disappointed that London didn't quite follow up Beijing as solidly as we had hoped, we decided to watch Goon.

My wife had a class with Britt McHenry in college. Says she was "driven and relateable" in addition to "gorgeous."

Actually strikes, not foul balls. From the Rules definition of "strike" (c implies that e is not a foul on 2 strikes):

Actually strikes, not foul balls. From the Rules definition of "strike" (c implies that e is not a foul on 2 strikes):

And then, 11 minutes later, I get a notification from the MLB app that Chase Headley went down with a HBP to the face. What exactly is going on tonight?

"They've got this down to a science."

He really was. All the guys in the clubhouse were talking about it afterward. is doing some browser / browser size / location-specific comics today. They're all pretty good. Play around with it, and check out the associated forum thread to see what other people are getting.

This makes total sense to me. I could be doing one task that requires me to switch among multiple apps. This happens every day: The process of me reading journal articles requires me to have the paper itself open, as well as a window where I'm taking notes. It's been a godsend using Cinch on the Mac to get two windows

iPhone with Audible app on 15-minute sleep timer (and alarm clock, of course). Usually I'm most of the way out by the time it fades. If I'm having some real trouble falling asleep I'll put on something by Jared Diamond.

No problems here. I set my alarm for 9:15 am this morning, and it went off at 9:15 EST. Like… clockwork?

Related: If you hold Command and Option when you click on a folder in the Dock, it opens the folder in Finder.

Anybody have a favorite iPhone alarm clock app that requires the user to perform some sort of complex cognitive task in order to disable it? I'm sick of doing that in my sleep. I even do it if I set it up across the room.

Seems cool, as long as the app doesn't tell me it's lupus.

This actually came in handy for me in Boston earlier this year (traveling from Florida). I didn't think I would need my passport, obviously, but I had a copy stashed away in my backpack from previous foreign travels. I ended up losing my driver's license, but that passport copy satisfied gatekeepers at 3 of the 3

I used to do this with workouts. Instead of just fitting them in whenever it worked out, I planned them in.

I can't believe they got away with calling it "Batter Blaster."

@KamWrex: That works. Not saying the link wasn't useful, I actually used a site I found on it just yesterday after my comment :-)