
“Spiritual Eskimo brother” is hilarious. Fun fact: I’ve heard that in some parts of the country, “wiener cousin” in used in lieu of “Eskimo brother.”

Rob’s ankle was broken during the wrestling portion of the match

Well as far as the future of True Detective goes, season 2 of The Wire was kinda shitty, too, if that's any comfort.


+1 Jim Joyce history call

To quote myself on Max’s last start: As a Tigers fan, fuck everything in the universe.

Also “Chase.”

Dray’s repping the Bay, he might lay by the bay and make things out of clay, he just may. Whaddya say?

Holy shit, that montage :(


Here’s Dusty Rhodes’ thoughts on the matter: 😲

Oh man, one of the best/worst things ever was crazy old Bill Davidson repeatedly saying “bullshit! That’s what it was! Bullshit!” at the 2004 Pistons championship parade. Picked up by local TV, radio, hundreds of thousands in attendance - small children among them. Apparently he was addressing Bill Plaschke columns

“...I don’t know how I’m gonna make it.”

Major, die-hard, bordering-on-insane Shenmue fanboy here. I’m still waiting for this all to be exposed as a massive hoax, at which point I will be huddled in a ball in a corner of my basement clutching my dreamcast with an empty fifth of Jameson, weeping softly.


“What was your high school mascot?”

Yeah that wasn't the joke.

Great piece. As frustrating as being a Detroit sports fan can be (Tigers pissing away WS opportunities, the motherfucking Lions), I try to remember that during my lifetime (born ‘85) the Wings have won 4 Cups, and the Pistons have won 3 titles. Even lacking championships for the other 2, at least Barry rushed for