Yeah man, plus maybe if the Astros weren't caught on camera stealing those cigars, none of this would have even happened.
Uh, Draper is a Warriors fan, and the rest of the staff rightfully praised Steph Curry throughout the season. I don’t know if “Bron Bros” is a fair assessment, brah.
“They told me I can’t play in this league.”
This is an upside to being a Lions fan - our dumb, embarrassing scandals are usually limited to draft selections and the occasional shitfaced, naked assistant coach in a Wendy’s drive-thru.
No serious injuries? That's incredible, and very fortunate for Vidal - usually a wreck that bad results in Gore.
Agreed entirely. I'm a Detroit sports fan and am thus duty-bound to hate Lebron, but I'll be damned if I didn't find myself rooting for him and the Cavs to pull it off.
okay thanks for stopping by
“It’s okay to celebrate greatness that wasn’t perhaps the ultimate winner, as being something to look up to.”
Had to google it - this is good.
The Musial Suspects
Ppffffttt. This is bullshit. The Astros were on video stealing a cigar first - they had it coming!!!
Okay well thanks for stopping by
True Detective wipes its ass with Game of Thrones.
Unpopular opinion alert: Fuck this show. Fuck it right to hell. I sort of enjoyed it from time to time, and then “hey, let’s burn an innocent little girl at the stake!” Jesus Christ. People comparing Game of Thrones to The Wire and Sopranos should lose their right to vote.
Well as a Tigers fan, fuck everything in the universe.
Well for one, Rip shaved off his dreads, and that was more a damn tragedy than a mistake.
Given the rest of Cleveland’s “skyline,” the Key Bank Building in the background looks like Burj Khalifa.