
Nice going reminding me that Air Bud must be dead by now :(

Hmm I dunno, I think Iran and Syria would be the ‘92 Croatia and Lithuania to the USA’s Dream Team.

The respondents to this survey will be easily divided into two categories: “Yes Votes” and “Liars.”

This Saginaw, Mich. law firm is going to be pissed.


Delladova then gave the hoverboard a try, and was promptly chased by Biff Tannen.

What’s a GM supposed to do?

A moot court tournament that I argued in back in law school gave out certificates to “octofinalists.”

“The only way to win is to fight dirty.”


Umpire, what the fuck? Remeniscent of referees being oblivious to Rick Rude bashing Kurt Hennig's opponent with a chair.

Time for Mozgov to start sporting a ‘fro!

Pffft. My little league coach was there for TONS of games where I had no hits.

I mean, GS will definitely still win the series. They’re just too good, and there’s just no way this depleted Cleveland roster can win two more against such a historically great team.........right? Right??

Agreed that it has a unique taste, I still think it's pretty darn hoppy and bitter though (which I love). A great beer for all.

Did NOT expect to see DRIPA on this list. I live a few miles from Kuhnhenn, and I absolutely love DRIPA, but it's a very IPA-y IPA.

Was taking a big sip of coffee right as I read “that kid can fall down a well.” Coffee now on my shirt and papers on my desk. Drinking anything during FUNBAG reading is a goddamn rookie mistake.

Agreed. Woodward Corridor resident here. A somewhat little-known fact: a few decades ago, prior to the Joe being built, the Wings were supposed to move to Pontiac. However, the ownership basically breached an agreement with the city of Pontiac and stayed downtown. Had they actually moved to Pontiac, with the Pistons

“My experience is you’re more likely to have a rivalry against a team closer to where you live,” he said.
