
My favorite cocktail! Worth noting, negronis with Carpano Antica are mind-blowingly good, but Carpano is good enough to drink neat in a brandy glass or port glass. Better to stick with something more run-of-the-mill given that Campari will be the most dominant flavor.


Mark Sanchez wouldn’t go anywhere near that chocolate bar. He prefers his candy to be under 18, let alone under 22 years old.

...particularly Big Ten Bros.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, the 35-year-old legend that can now be purchased at most gas stations, minor league ballparks, and chicken-wing emporia, is still looking up at Bud Light Platinum, Keystone Light, and two flavors of Natural.

Hunter Pence thinks Pete Carroll made the right call.

Hunter Pence thinks the series finale of Mad Men was good.

“They’re making it higher?” -Bert Blyleven

Hmm, I dunno about their defense. The Swiss are full of holes.

They seem poised to take a Great Leap Forward.

“Day-old bagel” caused me to laugh out loud, not merely exhale from my nose. Excellent metaphor work, Samer.

rats who live in the Green Monster, now mutated and enormous

In other news, Greg Anderson was injecting Barry Bonds with chamomile tea.

“Hey, toss me the phone and I’ll do it for you.”

Opecancanough, 1622: (@Powhatan69): #Windians.

Also Ayn Rand is the worst.

We, the living, can only shrug at Solo’s bullshit.

In other news, my penis has carefully considered my argument that I don’t have time to masturbate, and has rejected said argument.

“I won a bid, paying $23.00 for the contents of the home team locker room”

The Vikings proved to be good at games of chicken. The Tennessee Titans, meanwhile, struggle with drag racing.