Don K

As Lucas once said then completely forgot, “special effects are just a tool, a means to tell a story.”

As such they should have a responsibility to represent all people.

She’s not not out of the race. 

It’s possible to have universal, national health insurance but still maintain a private insurance industry. In Canada, for example, most people buy private insurance to cover things that their nationalized insurance does not.

“Medicare for All” is really a stand-in for Universal Health Care. I guess it became a branding thing because Medicare (our main government-funded health insurance) is popular.

They’re gonna re-open the theme park AGAIN?

The idea that he doesn’t have a good chance to win the nomination is repeating the same mistake we repeated with Trump. He has a very real and decent chance of winning the nomination.

Imagine, say, the VFX studio that did Cats were up for another gig, and some studio head goes “oh... you did Cats... better go with someone else...”

While yes, it is an industry event for the industry, it’s also a fairly big notable event, and can influence public perception.

Didn’t it?

Yes, the effects looked awful, and obviously we were all aghast when we saw the trailer way back when. And that’s why laypeople could think “lol the movie sucked because of the VFX team.”

No, but I can imagine some people who have little knowledge of the topic hearing, from that bit, that Cats sucked because of its visual effects, and that being their sole takeaway.

Except the Oscars are broadcast on a major network channel to tens of millions of people, many of which, and I’m going out on a limb here, do not know the first thing about film production.

New CBS Star Trek makes no sense.

Mild disgust is today’s disgust.

Yes, let’s compare super low budget public station Star Trek to modern Star Trek which CBS is banking its entire pay-for-All-Access lineup upon succeeding.

define can’t

It was a positron. The antimatter counterpart of an electron. It has android DNA!

Car wheel hubs can definitely perfectly catch suspension bridge cables and stay intact throughout the entire process just like humvees can drive on pieces of wood falling along with it. Physics, bitch!

face palm emoji