Don K


That person probably had the same opinion before this.

The absolutely worst part of this if it’s fake is that it will forever damage all the legitimate bigotry related attacks that take place.

define news

Thanks for pointing out that Emily also mentioned he was in a position of power. Let me edit.

The opt-out doesn’t really matter TOO much because the team is paying for his best years (position players generally peak 26-28). By 31, he’ll likely be declining; even if he doesn’t, he’s not likely to get much better than the remainder of the guaranteed 5 years.

Harper’s still going to get paid, and would probably gladly give up 10% of his salary to not be with the Nationals for 183 days a year for a decade.

People always complain.

You can tell how alien racism is to so many racially progressive white people by how they react to race in media.

Ya, let’s blame Anthony Weiner for being investigated while being married to an underling of a person who was already investigated by a government agency which had a director break protocol and make an announcement which caused every news agency in America to overwhelming focus on that announcement for an extended

Remember when The Root said Netflix cancelling Luke Cage was because of racism?

As you suggest, the shows had some very good moments, but even including that, on average, the shows were... okay? Episodes were... passable?

The safest thing to do was to remain silent about it until actual suspects were confirmed or charges were handed out (professional reporting notwithstanding), as the entire narrative appeared to stand on shaky ground.

People fake/stage things for a lot of reasons.

And all it took was a writer who actually cares about Star Trek.

just like there are new Star Wars movies.

Chronicle cost $12 million and made $126 mil, and the rest of his flops weren’t like HUGE flops, and his main thing is being a screenwriter so that’s not really a huge investment (and I guess he’s a producer now).

nothing” would be better

I mean, it is a joke that hasn’t been used by a class of people while subjugating white men.

Yeah, Durant’s primary focus when negotiating his contract deal’s length should be media coverage over his next potential contract.