Don K

YOU care about Fox News. If Splinter didn’t have Fox News, you wouldn’t have a format to base your delivery of news on: outright lying to your readership by spinning EVERY news event into whatever narrative you so please.

Hangings have been around for, what, ...since ropes have been invented? But ya, this is a race thing.

Splinter: In Hindsight, It Was A Blue Wave! The 30k vote difference out of 150 million!

It’s fun that, had barely Dems won these races earlier in the night, the difference of <35,000 votes in one State in the country is the narrative difference between a blue wave and Splinter News whining.

Highest midterm turnout in 50 years with something like a 7-8 point swing in Dems favor is somehow not a blue wave, according to Splinter?

Star Wars: Rogue One is probably the most underrated entry in Disney’s run on the Star Wars series so far,

The Supreme Court is nakedly political and always has been.

“It’s worth losing your Senate seat for protesting a Supreme Court nomination who will be confirmed anyway” - Paul Blest, who forgot that there are other votes down the line in the next election cycle, or the one after, considering Senate seats last SIX YEARS

They use the word “conservative” to describe plenty of Dems. Y’know, for the sick burns.

According to three articles on Splinter over the past 12 months, yes.

No mention of Heidi Heitkamp?

and be bipartisan isn’t an ideal shared by the GOP, demonstrated by everything they did in the last 2 years.

The reaction to last night’s election results has been mostly along the lines of “so much for that big blue wave we were promised,”

splinter grayed me for this lol

Man if only Dems primaries Joe Manchin, the senate would have been won - Splinter News 

Trump had like 40% of the white college educated vote.

There are 12 US Presidents who had lost the primary/general election prior to winning.

remember how serena’s coach has now admitted to coaching serena from the box, y’know, the thing serena called the ump a liar and a thief for, before smashing her racket, and how other famous tantrums also got fined (cough cough MCENROE!?)

more often than conservative Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin.

Kyrsten Sinema is a US Congresswoman with a voting record, public statements, and a campaign policy platform.