Don K

This is a strange thing for a Green Party candidate to say, particularly in this race. Sinema is a centrist who votes with Donald Trump over 60 percent of the time, more often than conservative Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin. It’s hard to believe that Green and Sinema’s views are all that similar. We will probably never

Pacific Rim worked becuase Guillermo del Toro clearly loved the world he was creating. The attention to detail sold the movie, and the world felt real, buoying its underwritten leads and very simple plot.

Emma Stone will be cast as Mikasa.

For anyone who has missed Attack On Titan, possibly because you’re too busy trying to make a live-action adaptation of Akira with a bunch of white actors, it’s sort of a post-apocalyptic story about humans trying to defend their walled cities from giant monsters. The hook is that the giant monsters look like big naked

Funny how they never culturally appropriate/historically appreciate Pol Pot.

Uhh, the US has elected plenty of terrible leaders. And many other countries.

Not featured: thousands of instances of white/all people getting the same response for reporting tons of threats/instances of racism/whatever, because we are talking about Twitter here, which has had problems dealing with this since its inception.

20:30 BST (5:30 EDT)

Did you even read the Monique Judge piece you linked to?

It was clearly intended as a joke, but the idea of someone becoming gay from a TV show is also pretty homophobic. Some people might be able to get away with a joke like that, but Kelly doesn’t exactly have a reputation for making clever jokes or possessing much of a sense of humor.

This is a lot of words about nothing.

Shocking! Rafi Schwartz, who, despite having written about political news for 2 years, still fails to understanding even the most basic premises of US government and political science, is insulted by a class on politics!

She was probably stupid to put publicly antagonizing Republican politicians in the same space as mail bombs, but

“Who on Earth is inspired by this shit?” - Libby Watson, 10/23/2018

The only possible results of this poll that Splinter would have approved of is “Colleges,” “The Press,” and “Blaming Democrats.

You don’t get the same chances that white men (or white women) do.

Obama, Clinton, Cuomo...

Splinter: Soros, Obama, Clintons, CNN still doesn’t get it, bombs are metaphors for change led by bandwagoning names millennial white bloggers haven't heard before 2018

god rafi and jack are the worst

HOW DARE PEOPLE TELL OTHER PEOPLE TO VOTE - Splinter, in four posts in the past week