Splinter, now officially actively against anyone telling people to go out and vote.
Splinter, now officially actively against anyone telling people to go out and vote.
Almost two years later, Paul Blest still fails to understand that Dems have no power.
To be fair, both candidates said Texas a lot, but the core themes of Tuesday’s debate were anything but regional.
Yay, Splinter turning on the most liberal of the party.
Other non-white minorities are also pictured.
Just you wait for Splinter to cover Heidi Heitkamp more, whose polling has plummeted, and who many think might have lost even more support since voting against Kavanaugh, in the currently toughest-to-defend Senate race for Dems.
Splinter, now calling Michael Avenatti a grifter, as if Splinter didn’t write/rewrite an Avenatti story once every three days or so for months giving coverage to one of the least important (tho popcorn-drama compelling) stories of 2018.
brevity is the soul of good kinja but bad paid bloggers
Ya, can’t wait for the appropriate unbiased/conservative take on “man invests in medical company touting new medical technology developed by a college dropout that has the same function as a test already performed by every lab in the world but is somehow faster but no one is allowed to test the procedure but man tries…
As Nate Silver showed, that Comey letter was almost certainly a magic bullet.
But it’s a lot easier to just take IP and swap out males for females and then tell all the feminism blogs to blindly defend it because any attack on the idea is SEXISM and get your base audience of people who will set the bar so low for the movie to be considered good because it’s an IP they recognize but now with…
The good ol “let me use this unrelated quote that doesn’t disprove what I’m about to say as evidence” school of editorial blog re-write journalism.
“They’re getting what they deserved” because they’re getting what they chose.
White women definitely supported Kavanugh just like they did for Trump.
I can’t tell if Splinter is inherently evil or just amorally stupid.
Found Jack Mirkinson’s Kinja account.
Found Jack Mirkinson’s Kinja account.
This is the blog site that wrote
Splinter News: The Democrats which do not have a majority in the Senate lost and will lose votes that require a simple majority which can also include the tie-breaking Vice President, FUCK THEM It’s ALL THEIR FAULT THIS IS WHY WE ADVOCATE OUSTING ALL OF THEM LEt’S IGNORE THE FACT THAT REPUBLICANS WOULD HAVE AN EVEN…