Don K

Dw, as you mention, he’s an older white male. Even if he somehow won, your fellow splinter political writers would cheer if a female/minority/young candidate with the same/maybe to the right/unelectable politics primaried and beat him the next election cycle.


You probably count it proportionally.

Your average grocery store chicken is some poultroid abomination developed in a lab, raised in a glorified shipping container, and then slaughtered and packaged before it even sees daylight. It’s not an animal so much as it is a living product.

But it could just as easily be that TFA made so much more because it was the first Star Wars movie in ten years, whereas TLJ was the third Star Wars movie in two years..

iirc plinkett reviews are fairly well-respected in the non-pump-out-click-bait-movie-”reviews”-that-aren’t-reviewing-anything-to-make-money review scene

Oh god, this is stupid.

Don’t forget, the Christopher Nolan Batmans were good in spite of the action.

Except for like, character work?

You think teams aren’t going to try to sign Kawhi to a max contract either?

ya, no way republicans could’ve waged a 15 year media war against hil clinton to make dumb idiots who get swayed by media reports (large portion of america, especially dumb idiots like you) change their opinions about someone

Counterpoint: she was probably still going to win until the Comey letter which almost definitely cost her the election.

So you’re saying you didn’t follow a Mediterranean diet and didn’t get more exercise and wonder why doctors don’t really care too much about giving weight loss advice?

The dumb BMI system a luxury wealthy people can afford?

I think this is another case of “internet gets trolled by trolls.”

In that lawsuit, the group blamed their insurance woes on a directive from Andrew Cuomo’s administration urging financial and insurance companies to cut ties with the NRA.

This is the bias that called the most progressive person from the MASSACHUSETTS delegation to the US congress losing “a win for progressives,” to a person who worked 10+ years under TED KENNEDY, just because the person losing had been in congress for over one term.

To the disappointment of some on the left, she decided not to retire this year

100 level english lit quality satire

So this movie’s going to have pretty interesting plotlines but then drop them all and end in a big cartoon battle?