Can we ask Matt Novak from Gizmodo what he thinks about these “polls”?
Can we ask Matt Novak from Gizmodo what he thinks about these “polls”?
Hmm a murderer with no accompanying photo or descriptor of an ethnic minority...
If progressives love one thing, it’s calling just about every victory a win for progressives regardless if the candidates have the same exact or similar platforms or are left of each other on different issues or the winner is a minority or if the victors are establishment candidates that’ve been in politics for…
Pretty sure I didn’t use the words “good,” or “bad,” because I’m not 2 years old.
Disqus: It can always get worse
Hillary Clinton was the most progressive general election candidate of either major party in history.
lol what is this take
I was so confused as to who Greg Grunberg was, but was indeed wondering “where’s Matt Parkman?”
Did you donate 2% of your entire net worth this week?
Keep in mind 10 years ago he was worth like, what, 8 billion? It’s just in the past decade has his worth been surging.
Warren Buffett, the next richest man, has given away more than $30 billion in the past decade.
Multiple studies suggest that false accusations of rape occur in about 5% of accusations = believe all women.
Prob not now that Disney owns it and they’ve basically ignored the prequels outside of a few Easter eggs (see: this article).
Ya, “bold take” means “mad.”
You mad that I pointed out your simple and obvious statement is simple and obvious? Nice weak-ass defense.
It’s more like 75% of movies are soon to be made by Disney, and all other non-major-studio theatrical releases will just be sent to streaming services.
Bold take.
Who is Roseanne Barr’s victim? People who found her joke offensive? Woowee look out.
lol norm and a handler
The movie is going to be great.